Tips on how to Monitor, Forestall and Management Rodents

Tips on how to Monitor, Forestall and Management Rodents

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Because mice and rats are nocturnal and tend to avoid high-traffic areas, there may be significantly higher numbers of rodents at a facility than were actually seen – which is why a facility can be cited for lack of control, even if a rodent itself is not sighted. The presence of pests can also be determined by signs such as droppings, grease stains or gnawed food and packaging.

Because of this, the number of actual sightings is worrying, especially in facilities and even in processing areas. So what are these food and beverage manufacturers doing to prevent rodents from getting in and control those that do?

Almost all of the facilities surveyed (97%) stated that regular rodent controls were carried out and rodent traps were used. Because rodent traps are a means of both control and surveillance (with 83% of respondents conducting rodent surveillance), traps are placed in the following locations:

Source: Readex Research; Answers: 113

  • Near doors. Placing traps next to or near doors can be the first line of defense to catch rats or mice trying to come in from outside. Proper placement is essential, with the most advantageous being generally adjacent to the interior and/or exterior walls flanking the door.
  • In warehouse/storage areas. Indoors, storage and storage areas, rodents were most often seen. Therefore, this trap placement can help catch rodents that have passed the first line of defense before they have a chance to feast on the various food options in your storehouse.
  • In other areas. Placing traps in other approved areas of the facility, particularly where rodents have been observed, provides further protection against rodent intrusion and infestation.

While setting traps is valuable for prevention, continuous monitoring of the traps for both rodent capture and signs of their presence (gnawed bait, feces, etc.) is critical to understanding rodent behavior patterns and prioritizing control efforts.

Facilities prevent the presence of rodents in other ways, including sealing cracks and gaps (90%), instructing staff to keep doors closed (84%), training staff in rodent prevention (73%), and installing door sweeps or air doors (65th %).

Almost all facilities (98%) provide both pest and rodent control services, with the vast majority using an external pest control company for at least some of the services. And most (94%) believe their rodent control programs are successful. Those few who did not feel their programs controlled rodents believe this was because rodents continued to come in from outside or a lack of consent from the facility’s staff.

Source: Readex Research; Answers: 113

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