PPMA Invitations Pest Management Corporations to Take part Recognizing Mattress Bug Consciousness Week

PPMA Invites Pest Control Companies to Join in Recognizing Bed Bug Awareness Week

FAIRFAX Va. — June 5-11 is Bed Bug Awareness Week, an annual event recognized by Chase’s events calendar to remind consumers to be aware of bed bugs while traveling. The Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA), which acts as the public outreach arm of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), is watching this week by educating the public through various media relations and social media tactics about the signs of an infestation and who it is important to work with a licensed pest controller to treat an infestation.

“Americans are eager to resume their travel plans and this summer is likely to see a significant increase compared to the last two years. However, this exposes more travelers to the ever-present risk of bed bug encounters,” said Cindy Mannes, executive director of PPMA. “Hotels and rental properties that may have seen fewer visitors recently will see an influx of tourists, increasing their vulnerability to these blood-hungry pests. Because of this, it is imperative for them to have a pest control partner on standby should a problem arise.”

During this bug bug awareness week, PPMA is dedicating all @PestWorld social media pages to fighting these stubborn pests, highlighting its bed bug videos and content from PestWorld.org. PPMA is urging all pest control companies to join this awareness initiative by focusing their social media content on bed bugs throughout the week and using the hashtag #BBAW in all posts.

PPMA has also developed a Bed Bug Awareness Week toolkit that is available for mainframe subscribers to download from PPMAMainframe.org, an exclusive digital marketing hub featuring hundreds of customized, professionally designed marketing materials and assets that pest control companies can use to promote their business . The toolkit includes a customizable press release, suggested social media content, bed bug awareness week logos, high-resolution photos, media training documents, and video content that can be embedded directly into a company’s website.