If You See Elm Seed Bugs, You Must Vacuum Them Up Instantly


If you discover a pest in your home, it is easy to panic. You could be trying to run and hide from the creature, or instinctively trying to crush it. However, experts warn against eliminating a mistake. If you see this insect in your house, consider vacuuming it up with a vacuum cleaner instead. Read on to find out which fault to fix with your Hoover and for more unusual disposal methods: If you see this fault in your house, don’t step on it, experts warn.


According to the University of Idaho, the elm seed beetle made its way to the United States in 2009. Adult elm seed beetles are “dark chocolate brown with reddish reflections”. One distinguishing feature is a dark, rearward-facing triangle on a rust-red rectangle mark. “Additionally, they have narrow white bands along the edges of their abdomen. The insect folds its wings back in an X-pattern. When you see these flaws, experts say, that you should vacuum them up right away, as – like smelly bugs – they give off an odor when scared or smeared.

“Vacuuming is the best way to control elm seed bugs because you can catch them all quickly and minimize the odor,” says a professional pest control specialist and entomologist Nicholas Martin. “If you have a dry / wet vacuum cleaner, you can put some soapy water in the dust bin to stop the odor from spreading and kill the bugs instantly.” But while vacuuming is the easiest way to get rid of elm seed bugs, Martin says you can’t forget to seal the bag tightly when throwing it away – otherwise the smell could seep out. And to learn more about household infestation, discover 5 things to buy that will bring bed bugs into your home, experts say.

Elm seed bugShutterstock

While these bugs do no harm to humans or animals, their unpleasant odor makes them a notable nuisance. “If you accidentally crush one, you smell a strong bitter almond odor that isn’t as nice as it sounds,” says Martin.

The real problem with these insects is that they can live in your home for years and keep reproducing. “The beetles are drawn to cooler places in your house where they can hide from predators,” notes Martin. “It would be a bit of a problem if they died quickly, but these pesky bugs can live up to three to five years old and reproduce in your home.” And for subtle signs of insects, you need to know, if you smell this in your bedroom, you could have bed bugs.

Seal holes in the houseShutterstock

If you notice elm seed bugs continue to find their way into your home even after vacuuming a bunch, you need to find the spot to enter. “The best practice is to seal any external cracks on the building,” says Martin. He suggests using insecticides around your house to keep the insects from entering if the problem is significant. If you’d like to receive more useful information straight to your inbox, subscribe to our daily newsletter.

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According to the Herald and News, these beetles got their namesake because they mate and lay eggs in clusters of elm flowers. According to the University of Idaho, in July and August, they invade houses where elms grow. If you don’t have an elm tree on your property but your neighbors do, there is still a risk of elm seed bugs invading your home.

Idaho was the first state to report elm seed bugs. According to Martin, the pests can now be found in Utah, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado. He predicts that they will likely spread across the country by 2035. And for more insects that might be invading your space, you might have a bug problem with your house smelling like this.