Grasp Gardeners’ spring seminar full of gardening recommendation, workshops


Wondering which plants make the most sense for San Diego Gardens this year? Catch up with the experts and get a head start on spring horticulture with Learn, Plant, Grow, a virtual seminar presented on March 20 by the San Diego County’s UCCE Master Gardener Program.

For $ 35, attendees can watch 13 on-demand presentations from renowned landscape architects, horticultural writers, and horticultural experts to learn how to create beautiful gardens with little water while controlling pests and attracting native bees and other pollinators.

Whether you want to grow gorgeous roses and stunning succulents in the same garden, or are tired of losing your fruits and vegetables to insects and hungry wildlife, the seminar will cover the art of the San Diego style gardening from 9am

If your focus is on healthy gardening, you will be looking for ways to protect your skin from spending too much time outdoors. In addition to the 13 classes, three special workshops show how to grow and cook with herbs, how to do gardening, and how to grow Californian native plants.

Tools, gardening art, and handcrafted birdhouses are also available for sale. All presentations will be available online until midnight on March 28th and can be viewed multiple times.

Registration opened on February 1st. Further information can be found at