Spring Vegetable Gardening Courses Supplied At Libraries

Spring Vegetable Gardening Classes Offered At Libraries

It may be cold outside, but it’s time to start planning a garden for the warm season. Spring vegetable gardening classes will be offered in February at several University of California Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners of Stanislaus County libraries.

Courses are offered at the Riverbank and Oakdale Libraries, in addition to the Patterson, Ceres and Turlock branches.

In Riverbank, classes are scheduled for Saturday, February 11 at 2 p.m

The Riverbank Library is located at 3442 Santa Fe St.; Call 209-869-7008 for more information.

In Oakdale, classes are scheduled for Tuesday, February 14 at 6pm

The Oakdale Library is located at 151 S. First Ave.; Call 209-847-4204 for more information.

The Spring Vegetable Gardening course is perfect for beginners who can learn about planting tomatoes, corn, summer and winter squash, peppers, eggplant, and more. The course covers growing vegetables both in soil and in containers.