Alabama 4-H and Dwelling Depot host gardening contest  – Lowndes Sign


The Alabama 4-H Foundation recently announced that Home Depot, in partnership with the Alabama 4-H Foundation, will sponsor a summer garden project competition for 4-H members in Lowndes County.

Garden kits are provided by Home Depot and include three vegetables, potting soil, a pair of gardening gloves, and fertilizer. Participants are responsible for procuring three 5-gallon containers for the plants.

The focus of the competition is on learning how to garden and incorporate fresh vegetables into family meals while keeping a gardening diary.

The project starts on June 24th and ends in August.

Contest prizes include a Home Depot Beginner’s Garden Kit and a $ 20 Home Depot Gift Card to be awarded to the top three.

An orientation meeting for parents and teenagers will be scheduled prior to the pick-up date to discuss the competition rules and other requirements.

Current 4-H youth members must register by June 18 to take part in the competition. Registration can be completed at or by contacting LaKisha King at 334-368-1653.