The Full Information to Mattress Bugs preventions, Infestation,


ORIGIN exterminator

Do you wake up with itchy bed bug bites that keep you up at night? Or have you seen rashes that pop up out of nowhere every morning after you wake up? If you answered yes, you may be dealing with a bed bug infestation.

You may be wondering where a bed bug infestation comes from. What about the mistakes? Where are you from? You will be surprised by the response. Bed bug infestations are brought in by us, so we have some responsibility. Bed bugs can be picked up in a hotel room, theater, airplane, or even on public transport. They cling to your clothes or sneak into your luggage. The beggar bugs eventually discover an orphan.

A bed bug infestation can be a real ordeal for many people. However, with a little knowledge, you can avoid or get rid of a bed bug infestation.

Types of bed bugs in Singapore

1. Bed bug (Cimex lectularius)
2. Tropical bed bug (Cimex hemipterus)

Cimex lectularius is found all over the world, especially in temperate zones. Cimex hemipterus is a tropical and subtropical species that can be found in Singapore. Both species are important pests in the travel and hospitality industries as they feed on human blood.


Signs of a bed bug infestation:

Here are some signs that you may have a bed bug infestation.

Bites: One of the most obvious signs of a bed bug infestation is the presence of bite signs.

Blood stains on bedding and walls: Bed bugs can be found in mattress corners and edges as well as in other places with cracks and crevices, such as the wall. Since bed bugs leave their hiding place at night to look for food, you can accidentally crush them while you sleep.

Dark spots on the mattress and wall: Bed bug droppings are made up of digested blood, reminiscent of black pepper flakes.

Sick, sweet smell in the room: A pungent smell is noticeable in areas that are heavily infested with bed bugs.

Tips for preventing and getting rid of bed bugs:

1. Inspecting beds and couches will help identify bed bug infestations.

2. Check your luggage as you unpack to prevent bed bug infestation.

3. Check your laundered clothes for signs of bed bugs after using the communal laundry service.

4. Make sure you double-check the items before using them again to prevent bed bug infestation in your home.

ORIGIN Bed Bug Control in Singapore:


Bed bug infestations should not be taken lightly. It is preferable to resolve them before things get much more serious. Treatment methods can vary and can be more difficult if the bed bug is severe. Finding out what is causing your bed bug problems and where they are coming from is important so you don’t keep bringing them back with you. Finally, seek help from a professional Singapore pest control company.

ORIGIN exterminator
Address: 39 Jalan Pemimpin, # 01-01, Tailee Industrial Building, Singapore 577182
Tel: (65) 6280 5666
Fax: (65) 6286 6525
All inquiries:

ORIGIN is a leading pest and insect repellent service in Singapore suitable for all households and workplaces. Science is at the core of our business and powers our work and the techniques we use in our methods. This philosophy has made us one of the industry leaders – we deliver compelling eco-friendly answers for comprehensive pest control right at the source of the problem.

This press release was published on openPR.