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eliminate termites in your house

Experts say termites love the rain and are more likely to survive in humid environments. ...

Methods to eliminate termites at your personal dwelling

Published Tuesday May. 18, 2021, 10:31 a.m. Join the 100,000+ AFP followers on Facebook Buy a subscription to AFP Subscribe to AFP podcasts on iTunes...

Rat-infested Chicago unleashes 1,000 feral cats onto streets to rid metropolis...

A Chicago animal shelter has supported the release of stray cats to help tackle the US city's ongoing rat problem. The Tree House...

Barn owls getting used as pure method to rid farms of...

BELLE GLADE, Florida - Dr. Richard Raid is a plant pathologist. He works at the University of Florida Everglades Research and Education...

How you can rid your private home of moths, ants, bedbugs,...

As the song says, there has to be some rain in every life. One just has to hope that it is not a...

Right here’s what causes mattress bugs — and how one can...

Pest infestation is often associated with unsanitary conditions,...