Scientists Warn About Future Pandemics: ‘Coronaviruses Are Beneath Our Toes in Rodents. They Are Above our Heads in Bats’


To learn more about the current pandemic, the scientists went into research mode and found that the current coronavirus was caused when a virus jumped from an animal to a human. Now scientists are focusing on how to prevent the next coronavirus transmission from becoming a pandemic.

“Coronaviruses are under our feet in rodents. They’re in bats over our heads. We live in a kind of coronavirus world, “University of Sydney virologist Edward Holmes said in an NPR article. Together with colleagues, Holmes identified bats in a small area of ​​study. His results, reported in an article last week, were surprising.

“There is an amazing number of bat viruses in this very small area that we sampled, about 1,100 hectares,” says Holmes. His team discovered 24 new coronaviruses. And only in an area the size of Los Angeles International Airport.

Holmes’ research points to a range of coronaviruses and possible pandemics. “I think we have to face reality here,” says Holmes. “Coronavirus pandemics are not a one-off event in a hundred years. The next one could come at any time. It could come in 50 years or 10 years. Or it could be next year. “

Source: DW News / YouTube

Sign this petition to encourage Congress and Senate to pass the Law to Prevent Future Pandemics!

Nature conservation organizations have called for an end to the wildlife trade in order to prevent pandemics like the coronavirus. Read more about the transmission from animals to humans in One Green Planet:

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