Scientists Uncover New Weapon in Battle Towards Bedbugs


Bedbugs are quickly becoming the bane of mankind and plague homes, offices, cinemas and shopping malls alike. But the fight against the red and brown bloodsuckers has won a new weapon. E! ScienceNews reports that researchers in Sweden discovered that immature bedbugs release a pheromone to deter adult males from mating with them. Scientists say the results can be applied to a solution to the bedbug dilemma.

When bedbugs mate, they do so through “traumatic fertilization”. Since the female lacks a genital opening, the male pierces her abdomen with his subcutaneous genitals to keep his sperm in her abdominal cavity. And because male bugs do not differentiate between partners, they climb onto the closest comrade – be it male or sexually immature. In these situations, they mortally wounded the unsuspecting recipient of their amorous advances.

Fortunately for bed bugs, nature has developed an alarm system to defend against unwanted hugs. When a male bug approaches a sexually immature nymph or male bug, the insect releases pheromones to let the male know it should find another friend. Vincent Harraca from Lund University in Sweden was working on a study that looked at interactions between male and female nymph bugs. Like he said E! ScienceNews, “to avoid this [unwanted mating]We found that bedbug nymphs release aldehyde pheromones that let the males know they should look elsewhere. These results can be applied to reduce the number of bed bugs caused by mating disorders. ”

Harraca and his team prevented the beetles from signaling each other by covering their scent glands with nail polish. These blocked bugs have been found to mate as well as mature bugs. When the team applied the pheromone to a man and woman during “Monday initiation” it caused them to mate less frequently. The news could help experts understand the pesky pest. As Harraca told reporters, “The bedbugs chemical communication system is just unfolding and further analysis of the longevity cost of nymphs and males who have been pierced is a high priority in fully understanding the picture of traumatic fertilization.”

The bed bug epidemic is nothing new to humans or bugs. The ancient Romans believed bedbugs were useful in treating snakebites and ear infections. In the 18th century they were used to treat hysteria. Until the middle of the 20th century, the insects were extremely common in private households. Only the use of the pesticide DDT resulted in their relative extinction. But since the dangerous chemical was banned, the beetles have returned with a vengeance. This latest discovery could help solve the infestation that is sweeping the world.