People Will Have To Eat Maggots And Different Bugs In The Future Thanks To Local weather Change



Thanks to climate change, people will have to get used to eating maggots, insects and other “superfoods” in the future.

When I grew up watching myself be a celebrity, get me out of here, I guess I could eat some creepy crawlies – but not the witchetty maggots. However, I don’t think there are many people out there looking for an insect diet. Unfortunately, it can be an issue if we don’t fix our planet.

According to researchers at the University of Cambridge, the foods and ingredients we know and love, such as barley, corn, fruits and vegetables, are “naturally exposed to various acute and chronic stresses,” such as the environmental impact of climate change.

Maggots could become part of our diet in the future.  (Pexels)Pexels

A report published in the Nature Food Journal suggested that breeding black soldier fly, housefly and mealworm beetle maggots could alleviate food insecurity problems, considering how much nutrients are packed in insects. No matter protein powder, just sprinkle a few insects on your food.

Dr. Asaf Tzachor, co-author of the University’s Center for the Study of Existential Risk Study, told MailOnline, “Our current food system is fragile. It faces a myriad of risks – floods and frosts, droughts and droughts, pathogens and parasites – whose small productivity improvements will not change. ‘

Researchers believe maggots and other insects could fight malnutrition.  (PA pictures)PA pictures

He added: “To future-proof our food supply, we need to incorporate completely new farming methods into the current system. The sooner we switch to future foods, the safer our diets become [and] we will be able to save more lives from the tight grip of malnutrition. ‘

Co-author Catherine Richards also said, “The coronavirus pandemic is just one example of the increasing threat to our globalized food system. Diversifying our diets with these future foods will be important in achieving food security for all. ‘