Packaged Info: Coronavirus Has Modified Shopper House Gardening Habits


ROCKVILLE, Md. – Due to the coronavirus, many consumers are changing their eating habits. About 30% of consumers agree that they are eating less healthily, while 42% of consumers believe they are eating healthier, according to data published in in Home Gardening Consumer Insights, a recent report from research firm Packaged Facts. Based on these findings, it is important that the general direction be towards healthy eating, as gardening is highly correlated with an interest in healthy eating.

A large majority of consumers also agree that they are now more concerned about food waste, while 34% are eating more locally produced food. Although 29% of consumers think they are eating less fresh produce, a large majority (two-thirds) disagree, which shows that overall, despite having access to, people are trying to eat healthier food during the pandemic more and more dining options such as restaurants and other social facilities continue to reopen.

“We believe more people are trying to start a grocery garden to help them along the way by growing more fresh produce at home and not having to rely on grocery stores or other retailers,” says Jennifer Mapes-Christ, Grocery and Food and Beverage Beverage Publisher of Packaged Facts.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, many Americans were gardening as a hobby, even as its popularity waned. In the past decade, busy consumers have had less time to devote to gardening. However, history has shown that in times of crisis, interest in home gardens is renewed. For example, historical data suggests gardening grew in popularity around the time of the 2007-2009 US recession.

“In times of financial crisis and economic uncertainty, consumers often change their behavior by spending less money on non-essentials and using less expensive products. Consumers faced with uncertainty or uncertainty about the future may turn to gardening to relieve stress, spend their time temporarily unemployed, or grow inexpensive food for their families, ”says Mapes-Christ.

The natural assumption is that the popularity of the home garden is limited to American homeowners who have an outdoor space in their residence, such as a patio. B. a garden, a lawn or a garden. However, even for tenants or those with limited access to an outdoor area like a garden, research by Packaged Facts suggests that a percentage of people gardening due to the coronavirus can create container gardens on a balcony that will be grown indoors can or in outdoor areas such as a driveway or terrace.

About the report

Home Gardening Consumer Insights is on sale now. Buy the report at:

The report examines the impact of COVID-19 consumers, historical gardening trends, changes in home and gardening behavior during the pandemic, buying and owning lawn and gardening equipment and lawn and garden supplies, home gardening demographic trends, and consumer psychography. The report also includes 45 data-intensive charts as well as an analysis of the survey results.

For media members, please contact our communications manager Daniel Granderson at [email protected] to request a copy of the report summary.

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