Neighbors say rodents have fallen from ceiling at Bridgeport Commons flats

Neighbors say rodents have fallen from ceiling at Bridgeport Commons apartments

Sep 25, 2022 at 4:47 p.mUpdated September 26, 2022

Through: News 12 employees

Neighbors at a Bridgeport apartment complex say they are living with a major rodent infestation and are receiving little help to alleviate the problem.

Rosetta Melton and her neighbors at Bridgeport Commons on Central Avenue tell News 12 the infestation is so severe that they’ve seen rodents fall directly on them through ceiling tiles.

Melton, a full-time social worker and consultant for New York State, says the psychological impact of living with rodents cannot be overstated.

“We’re in our bed at night and we hear it scratching above our bed because raccoons, mice and squirrels are running through the walls,” she said.

They said they had filed several complaints with the city’s health authorities, but officials at the complex had been unable to resolve the issue.

The complex also has a problem with poor insulation. In the cold months, residents have extremely high electricity bills. Some have presented utility bills in excess of $800 for a single month, which in some cases is more than their rent.

They have contacted members of the Connecticut delegation in Congress, who say they are reporting the situation to federal housing officials and will seek a rent reduction because the property’s owners, who accept Section 8 rental vouchers, are violating their contract with the federal government.