Native seniors’ house might fumigate total constructing to fight bedbugs


“It is the house’s duty to ensure that all pests in the house are treated in a timely manner,” said the regulator’s official

A local senior residence is currently struggling with a bug infestation.

Bayview Retirement Home hired a pest control company to rid the Waubaushene facility of the annoying creatures.

“We are looking into the possibility of fumigating the entire building,” said Bayview manager Tracy Franks.

Franks said they had Abell Pest Control under contract to fix the problem.

“They come once a month and treat the bedbugs for us,” she said, noting that getting rid of the bedbugs completely without fully fumigating the premises might prove too difficult.

“They (now) spray different rooms and make sure that they (bed bugs) are not in other rooms as well.”

The Tay Township residence is home to 24 residents and employs around 10 people.

Franks said that given the bed bug infiltration and to solve the problem once and for all, the more drastic full fumigation option may be needed.

“We’re not making any headway, let’s put it that way,” she said, noting that staff fully understand and appreciate the concerns of residents and are trying to do something about it.

“We are currently reviewing a plan to spray the entire upper floor and the main floor the next day or so.”

Franks said inspectors from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit and the Nursing Home Inspectorate (RHRA) were at the home.

“They said we are doing everything we should and they are not concerned,” said Franks.

RHRA spokesman Phil Norris said his agency was made aware of the issue through a mandatory report on July 21, and the matter was immediately escalated for review.

“An inspector visited the home on July 27th to conduct a mandatory report inspection – an inspection that is carried out in response to any suspected, suspected, or observed abuse, neglect, improper care, or illegal behavior that creates a risk of harm or harm to Residents, ”said Norris.

“During an inspection, RHRA inspectors usually speak to management, staff and residents of the home as necessary and review the relevant documentation to make a thorough assessment of all problem areas.”

Norris said the purpose of an inspection is to determine if a home complies with the Retirement Homes Act (2010).

“After an inspection, a draft inspection report is sent to the home that includes all non-compliance findings,” he said. “The home then has the opportunity to demonstrate what corrective action it has taken to achieve compliance.

“A final report is then published publicly on our website, which shows all the results and their results.”

Norris said it could take several weeks for the final inspection report to be available.

“However, in many situations we expect a home to take immediate action to address concerns and we will reach out to the home to ensure they take the necessary steps to do so,” said Norris.

“If at any point there is evidence that the house is not meeting its obligations to protect residents from harm or risk of harm, we can take additional measures if necessary.”

Norris noted that the law requires homes to ensure that procedures are in place to keep the home free from pests.

“It is the home’s duty to ensure that all pests in the home are treated in a timely manner and the RHRA will hold homes accountable for this,” he said, adding that his agency has no statistical information on the incidence of bedbugs in Retirement homes.

“But in similar situations, we have worked with the homes as well as our community partners, including local public health, to ensure that residents can live in their homes in confidence, safety and dignity.”