Mustard Seed Farm gardening occasion focuses on meals safety in Ames, Iowa


An Ames group’s spring gardening event this weekend is designed not only to provide a place for local growers to exchange seeds, but also to tackle food insecurity.

Mustard Seed Community Farm is hosting on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Ames Romero House, 709 Clark Ave.

“We thought it would be fun, and we also thought it would be a good opportunity to focus on gardening and food security,” said Alice McGary, Farmer-in-Residence at Mustard Seed. “It’s good to talk about gardening in Iowa and how people can grow more food and share more to help us through tough times we have experienced.”

The seedling and seed swap is a come-and-go event where people can bring items to share if they are able.

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“This is not a retail store so you can bring a lot of plants, one plant, or no plants,” said McGary, “and take what you need.”

Gardening supplies are also welcome when sharing – things like plastic seedling pots and similar items that can be reused.

A poster by Annie Panthani describes the seed and seedling exchange that will take place on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Mustard Seed Community Farm.

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“I think it’s really important that this be a gift economy style event rather than buying or trading,” said Annie Panthani, one of the Mustard Seed Farm volunteers. “I know that sometimes I have a lot to give and sometimes I have nothing to give.

“In any case, I want people to feel very important – that they have what they need, because everyone deserves what they need. … It is really important that people know: bring everything you can share, even if you share that you need plants. “

If you’re unable to attend the exchange, McGary suggests joining the Ames Garden Swap and Gab Facebook group, where members make arrangements to give and receive plants, seeds and products.

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“It’s a very active and shared local community,” said McGary.

Mustard Seed will also introduce its new Apocalypse Garden Kit / Good Food Everyday Garden Kit. It’s a 10-piece beginner gardening kit that includes some saplings, seeds, and a manual.

“I feel like the farm has always been about growing food to give to people, but also teaching people to grow their own food,” said Amy Miller, a volunteer at Mustard Seed. “With these kits, people can grow very nutritious foods all year round. The kits are designed to give them something from the garden throughout the growing season. “

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