SOUTHERN GARDENING: Gardens helped create society, nonetheless vital | Life

SOUTHERN GARDENING: Gardens helped create society, still important | Lifestyles

Most gardeners start planning their flower and vegetable gardens after the first year. That makes sense, because with the appearance of garden catalogues, cabin fever from the winter months joins garden fever.

But it wasn’t always like that. Gardening came about as a matter of course; In fact, gardening today can be blamed for the development of our society.

If you look at the evolution of human culture, having a garden was a pretty big deal and it was an engine for us to become civilized. It is generally accepted that around 12,000 years ago humans were hunter-gatherers after their next meal.

But it was around this time that Atouk – portrayed by Ringo Starr in the 1981 documentary “Caveman” – discovered that domesticating plants and animals could make him and his family live in one place. Agriculture was “discovered” and it would provide a steady source of food and put an end to constant migration.

I’m sure the bragging about the best tasting tomato started shortly thereafter.

Evidence of the importance of gardens dates back to the Egyptian pharaohs and is documented in the elaborate tomb paintings they made of the gardens of their various kingdoms.

One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. These gardens are said to have been laid out on terraces and were probably the first to have raised beds, a gardening practice still practiced today.

The story goes that King Nebuchadnezzar had the gardens built for his wife. Many modern gardeners, myself included, grow flowers and vegetables because our spouses like them.

Fast forward to gardening today. My gardening friends know that I have quite a homegrown vegetable garden. I really like the taste of homegrown vegetables. I start at the very beginning by planting my own seeds.

I flip through the catalogs that are already piling up and select new strains to try in 2023. With all the seeds and plants we have available today, I’m kind of sorry for Atouk’s struggle. There’s a bit of satisfaction in knowing that a home garden can produce good, nutritious food.

One crop I grow for my wife is fresh, old tomatoes. She loves them and she loves me for growing them for her, although I really don’t like fresh tomatoes.

Thank goodness we don’t have to rely on our gardens for daily survival today, although some of you know how Katie and I are preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

I am encouraged that due to COVID we have up to 20 million new gardeners enjoying their own gardens. Gardening helps build community, confidence and dependability.

So order these seeds and have a great garden in 2023.