Mayor – Information – April 2021 – The Metropolis of New Orleans Mosquito, Termite and Rodent Management Board to Conduct Grownup Mosquito Abateme


NEW ORLEANS – The New Orleans City MOM, Termite and Rodent Control Bureau (NOMTRCB) will be conducting an adult mosquito control across Algiers tonight. If the weather is fine, the treatments are carried out by truck and plane from 7:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

NOMTRCB urges New Orleans residents to protect themselves from mosquito bites and the West Nile virus by avoiding mosquito bites. These measures include limiting outdoor activities between dusk and dawn, using EPA-approved insect repellants, reducing the number of mosquitoes in your home, and keeping your home mosquito-proof by maintaining screens on windows and doors. We also urge people to empty water-filled containers around their homes and yards to reduce potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Residents must remain vigilant when removing stagnant water by emptying containers. Water in non-removable containers such as bird baths, sugar kettles, pools, and ponds should be changed weekly. Remove trash and clutter, including discarded tires, buckets, tarps, and other items that can collect water. Swimming pools and fountains should be operational and in circulation. A mosquito can lay eggs and develop in a space the size of a bottle cap, so every container counts.

For more information on West Nile Virus, visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website:


Protect oneself

  • Reduce mosquito exposure by limiting outdoor activities between dusk and dawn.
  • Use air conditioning and make sure the window and door panes are in good condition to keep mosquitoes out.
  • Wear long sleeved shirts and pants outside.
  • The CDC recommends using repellants that contain EPA-registered ingredients such as DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or lemon eucalyptus oil.
  • Always follow the recommendations on the product label when using repellent.

Protect your home

  • Eliminate stagnant water in your home that is where mosquitoes breed.
  • Remove trash and clutter, and dispose of discarded tires and containers that can hold water. Turn over paddling pools, buckets, trash cans, children’s toys, or anything that could collect water.
  • Change the water weekly in containers that cannot be removed, such as: B. Pet dishes or bird baths. Every week, scrub the side of the containers to remove any eggs that have been laid.
  • Rain barrels and other water collection devices must be sieved and collected water should be used within a week.
  • Ventilate ornamental pools, fountains, and sugar kettles, or fill them with fish.
  • Report illegal landfills, water leaks and unattended swimming pools by calling 311.

Tires can easily be filled with rainwater and can collect leaves and litter, making ideal breeding grounds for mosquito larvae. By removing old tire dumps, a fertile habitat for mosquitoes is eliminated.

  • Residents can park up to four tires per week on the roadside next to their city-issued dumpsters on the second pick-up day of the week if they live outside the French Quarter / DDD.
  • Tires in front of abandoned properties, vacant properties or shops cannot and will not be picked up.

Residents are encouraged to report 311 mosquito-related issues and to keep in touch with NOMTRCB on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @nolamosquito.

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