Mattress Bugs & Covid: Difficult Enterprise – PCT


The old adage “Change is the only constant in life” is especially true for pest control. The most successful PMPs not only rely on what has worked before, but continually refine their processes to offer their customers innovative pest control solutions.

This ability to pan and adjust may never have been more important than it was in 2020 when COVID-19 drastically changed the way PMPs do business. PMPs have reinvented their business models and, in some cases, broken into different work areas to generate new revenue streams.

They also changed their service protocols to meet the needs of pest control in the age of COVID-19. With many households and businesses having closed access completely or drastically restricting access, PMPs have chosen – or in some cases have been forced – to offer pest control measures for outdoor use only.

BASF, manufacturer of a full product portfolio, is helping PMPs with this shift. Many of these are ideal for outdoor-only pest control programs. “The ability to use these products externally without having to enter the structure has helped us serve our customers without endangering the health of our technicians and customers due to COVID-19,” said Dr. Mohammed El-Damir, Technician and Training Director for Adams Pest Control, Medina, Minn.

Here’s a look at BASF products that are great for outdoor treatments, and how some PMPs are using them as part of their outdoor-only programs.


FENDONA CS. With advanced encapsulation and the active ingredient alpha-cypermethrin, Fendona CS is at the heart of many PMPs’ external pest control programs. PMPs love that it can withstand extreme conditions for extended periods of time.

“The Fendona micro-grid formulation really does stick to surfaces. It just takes longer, ”said Kyle Franklin, North Carolina and Virginia sales specialist, BASF Professional & Specialty Solutions.

One PMP who has watched Fendona CS’s long-running performance is Eric Broadway, President of Remedy Pest Control, Charlotte, NC. “We are in an area that receives a lot of rain and is exposed to windy conditions and Fendona CS is holding up well because of what it is [formulated]”Broadway said.” It has a long residue, wide coverage, and seems to work very quickly. Our technicians like it because they don’t get callbacks and are therefore more productive. “

Remedy has been focused on growing its trading business, and one key account is a car dealership that the company recently acquired, Broadway said. “I was comfortable with the track record we had with Fendona CS and so far it has really met our and our customers’ goals of keeping the facility pest free.”

When COVID-19 hit and Remedy was relegated to outdoor treatments, Broadway was concerned because it happened in the spring when pest pressures were highest in its company’s service areas.

Fendona CS, Phantom Termiticide / Insecticide, and Termidor SC are popular for outdoor treatments.

“Between my technicians who do a really good IPM job and who use Fendona CS, we were able to offer excellent perimeter treatments. During this time we have also had very good feedback from our customers, ”said Broadway.

PHANTOMTER MITICIDE / INSECTICIDE. Another BASF long-term residue product that has become a key tool in outdoor PMP programs is the phantom termiticide / insecticide.

Phantom with the active ingredient chlorfenapyr can be used indoors and outdoors and is often used by PMPs to control ants, cockroaches, houseflies and other boundary pests.

One of the reasons Phantom is a popular choice outdoors is because it works on both porous and non-porous surfaces. And because it’s non-repellent, PMPs don’t have to worry about pests getting from treated areas to untreated areas.

Many innovative PMPs are using Phantom as part of a combination treatment strategy where Phantom is used for initial visits and then product rotation is performed.

TERMIDOR SC. With the active ingredient Fipronil, Termidor SC is a non-repellent, undetectable termiticide / insecticide for combating termites, annoying ants and other perimeter pests. The product works with Transfer Effect technology. Pests freely traverse the treatment areas and then become donors of treatment when they return to the colony, resulting in complete elimination of the colonies.

While many PMPs are familiar with Termidor SC as a termiticide, “it is widely used on ants and a variety of other general pests outside of structures,” said Travis Chambers, senior sales representative at BASF Professional & Specialty Solutions.

The Alpine Water Soluble Granules (WSG) provide PMPs with the strength and flexibility to control ants, cockroaches and more.

Travis Aggson, executive vice president and ACE of the company at American Pest Management, Manhattan, Can., Said they use Termidor SC a lot during their spring season (March, April, and May). “We started using Termidor SC in conjunction with a granular bait four years ago. Immediately after the switch, we noticed a difference in our ant recalls. Recalls decreased by 50% in the first year. “

El-Damir said Adam’s Pest Control used Termidor SC to control ants. “Because of its effectiveness, we have little or no recalls for ants.”

ALPINE WSG. PMPs appreciate the power and flexibility of Alpine WSG (Water Soluble Granule) with the non-repellent active ingredient Dinotefuran. The label allows PMPs the flexibility to use the product both indoors and outdoors.

“Our original statement when the Alpine WSG was introduced is still valid today: It is a product that can be used from the attic to the curb,” said Chambers.

Indoors, El-Damir Alpine likes to use WSG because of its non-repellency when there is heavy roach infestation, which gives him the certainty that cockroaches will not spread to other areas. “Similarly, Alpine WSG’s formulation helps ants that nest indoors by leaving residual effects on porous surfaces, making it easier to deal with outside springtails.” In the open air, El-Damir likes that Alpine WSG can treat walls over impermeable surfaces such as concrete patios and driveways. “This is important for dealing with fall-invading insects in areas where pyrethroids are restricted.”

Aggson said American Pest will use Alpine WSG for quick pest control or when a versatile label is needed. “We love it for flies, cockroaches and bed bugs,” he said.

In addition to its effectiveness on these pests, Aggson likes the product because “the material mixes very easily, has no odor and the mixture is clear”. He added that American plague technicians love the fact that they don’t leave any residue in their pneumatic sprayers or backpack sprayers.

Chambers added that one trend he noticed with his customers – especially in 2020 – was using Termidor SC and Alpine WSG at the same time. “You can treat the structure outside with Termidor SC and use Alpine WSG outside of the structure if necessary. This type of treatment has proven successful in the year of COVID-19. “

LOOKING AHEAD. BASF’s extensive product portfolio has provided PMPs with the tools to offer innovative pest control programs. And the need for out-of-the-box solutions (e.g., outdoor-only programs) may never have been more apparent than in 2020. With BASF’s pest control solutions, PMPs have the tools to meet today’s challenges ( amid COVID-19) and helping them grow their businesses in an exciting future.

BASF Representative: Essential Resources for PMPs


As BASF launches new products and PMPs look for new solutions, the need for world class support is critical. This is very much appreciated by companies like Remedy Pest Control, Charlotte, NC, which have only been in business for a year.

“Our representative, Kyle Franklin, has been an amazing resource for us,” said Eric Broadway, president of Remedy Pest Control. “We’ve been relegated to the Zoom meeting for the past 7 to 9 months, but Kyle was there to answer any questions we had. He has had a major impact on our technical know-how and skills in this area.

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