Mattress bugs: causes and coverings – pest management providers


Daniel Neves of Inoculand Pest Control in London shares how to get your bed bugs under control so you can sleep well.

Q: How can you tell if you have bed bugs?

A: Watch for bites on your arms, chest, and neck. If you get bitten repeatedly for a few weeks after sleeping on your bed or sofa, you likely have bed bugs. Look out for other signs of an infestation such as blood feces and peeling.

Examine the foot of your bed, the back of your headboard, and the folds of the bed sheet to see if you can spot adult bed bugs or their eggs.

Q: How do bed bugs spread?

A: Bed bugs can attach themselves to your clothes, belongings, and furniture. You can pick up bed bugs from your holiday home, in your luggage, or from anyone you come into contact with.

Q: Are bed bugs a common problem?

Inoculand Pest Control diagram explaining how bed bugs spread

Bed bugs can attach themselves to your clothes, belongings, and furniture.
– Credit: Inoculand

A: Bed bugs are often found in high-volume rental properties. The more tenants live in a property and the more frequently the lease changes, the more likely bed bugs are.

Infestation can be a common problem in London as there are many shared apartments and people traveling in and around the city.

Q: How can I prevent bed bugs?

A: I recommend steaming or hot washing your travel bags and clothes after returning from a trip. Make sure used furniture or clothing is cleaned before use and check regularly for signs of bed bugs. If you notice an infestation, it’s best to get it treated quickly to prevent it from spreading throughout the house.

Q: How do you get rid of bed bugs?

Heat treatment pest control by Inoculand in London

The advantage of heat treatment is that it combats bed bug infestation quickly and effectively.
– Credit: Inoculand

A: Use a product that contains insect growth regulators and killers. Perform repeated treatments to completely remove adult bed bugs, nymphs, and eggs.

Often times, people use products that are ineffective or fail to perform multiple treatments, which can cause the infestation to come back. Using the wrong product can make your problem worse as bed bugs can develop a tolerance, which is why I recommend using the services of a professional pest control agency.

Q: Why should I use heat treatment to end my bed bug problem?

A: The advantage of heat treatment is that it will fight bed bug infestation quickly and effectively. Heat treatment is an alternative form of pest control to the use of chemicals. The temperature of an infested room is increased to over 56 degrees over a longer period of time. The result is that it kills all adult bed bugs, nymphs, and eggs. We can also use it against other pests such as fleas, moths, and cockroaches.

It’s safe to use, pesticide free, organic and environmentally friendly. I recommend heat treatment if you have children, pets, elderly relatives who live at home, or are pregnant.

Bed bugs cannot resist treatment and can reach any area of ​​a room. The heat treatment lasts less than a day and to make sure the bed bugs don’t come back we reinforce the treatment by spraying insecticides and then doing a post treatment two weeks later.

Heat treatment pest control demonstration on an Inoculand double bed in London.

“The heat treatment is safe to use, organic and environmentally friendly. I recommend heat treatment if you have children, pets, or are pregnant. ‘
– Credit: Inoculand

We also offer a pesticide-based bed bug treatment. The chemicals we use are all HSE approved, safe to use, and effective at killing bed bugs at all stages of their development.

Q: How can I book an appointment?

Call us, visit our website or send us an email. We have the know-how, experience and knowledge to help you tackle any pest problem. We’ll help you find the best solution to remove your pests, protect you from future infestation, and make sure you can relax and enjoy your home again.

Inoculand provides professional pest control services to businesses and households in and around London. They specialize in removing all types of pests from mice to bed bugs, moths, and more.

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