Man Allegedly Making an attempt to Donate Mattress Bug-Coated Furnishings Blasted in TikTok


Weston Storey, or as he is known on TikTok @ExterminatorKing, posted a nearly 350,000 view video revealing furniture a man allegedly wanted to donate to charity to be covered in bed bugs.

In the video, he said he received a call from someone he had never done business with to do bed bug treatment.

“This stuff in this house is all bed bug infested,” Storey said. “On a scale from one to ten, it’s a seven.”

He said he told the man that all furniture must be cleared out before treatment.

“To cut a long story short, I showed up today and instead of getting maintenance to throw it all in the bin or pay someone to remove it, he said, fuck it, I’m going to donate everything to charity.” Storey the camera.

He filmed the pieces of furniture covered in the shells of bed bugs that are shed when they get too big, as well as eggs. Several bugs crawled over the furniture, as well as a large plush teddy bear.

A TikTok exterminator beat up a man for allegedly trying to donate bed bug-covered furniture to charity. Although the bugs are not considered dangerous, people can experience allergic reactions that may require medical attention.
JUWEL SAMAD / Getty Images

The TikToker said people from a church were out to load things onto the truck. He said they told him the furniture should be taken to a single mother.

“This guy literally wanted to donate all of this furniture to a single mom and a couple of kids,” Storey said. “The church actually wanted to draw it from here and take it over immediately.”

He said he told the volunteers to leave the furniture and wait for the man he spoke to on the phone.

“If he’s the big boss and he’s the one who made it up, I’m going to blow this place on everything,” Storey said. “It’s a terrible thing to donate all of this stuff and it’s going to someone in need. Imagine.”

Storey told the Daily Dot that he usually confronts his customers who are trying to give away infested items and said that many people underestimate bed bugs.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bed bug bites affect people differently. Although not considered dangerous, people can experience an allergic reaction that would require medical attention.

In the comments, people shared their collective disgust, praising Storey, and lamenting their own experiences with the parasitic insects.

“Bc some people think that poor people deserve nothing better and should appreciate everything. Thank you for not allowing this, ”wrote one TikToker user.

“As a single mother who once unwittingly moved to a bed bug-infested location… thank you. It can be traumatizing, ”wrote another viewer.

One wrote, “This happened to me! I was a single mother and I was donated bedroom furniture! 2 months later we found out and they were in EVERYTHING! I was devastated!”

Some commentators even offered to furnish the mother’s house with their own donations.

Newsweek reached out to Weston Storey but had no reply by the time we went to press.