IN THE YARD: Whereas not the identical as chemical-free, natural gardening considers all elements of administration | Dwelling & Backyard


Ladybugs include several other pesky garden insects as part of their diet.

Metro Creative Connection

STUART SUTPHIN Contributing columnist

Stuart Sutphin

Stuart Sutphin

There is increasing interest in the biological control of garden pests.

This is an interesting topic and new information is generated or updated by modern research. It should be noted that the term organic is not synonymous with chemical-free. Organic horticulture takes into account all aspects of gardening and includes things like soil improvement, fertilization and plant culture, and pest control. Real organic horticulture does not use any synthetically produced products and only uses naturally derived products. These products come from other plants, animals, and naturally occurring nutrients. Organic products can contain pesticides.


For most gardens, organic weed control is simple: pull the weeds out by the roots before they produce seeds.

Metro Creative Connection

Weeds are a constant problem in every garden. For most gardens, organic weed control is simple: pull the weeds out by the roots before they produce seeds. This may not be practical for large gardens. In this case, tillage – digging and turning the soil between the rows – is a great option. Mulching with newsprint is a good method of organic weed control. Some gardeners use vinegar for weed control, but they get mixed results. To be considered organic vinegar, the vinegar itself must be labeled as certified organic vinegar and be strong enough to produce consistent results. at least 20% vinegar.

Diseases are more difficult to control. The best method of disease control involves two steps. First, learn what diseases are likely to affect the plants. Past is the best teacher. Then look for varieties of vegetables that have been developed that are resistant to this disease. Second, manage the garden with effective cultural means. Water in the morning to allow the leaves to dry. Remove dead plant material or parts of plants that show signs of disease. Maintain the soil to maintain plant health by keeping the soil’s acidity at reasonable levels and don’t use too much fertilizer. After all, timely remove rotten fruit and other materials, especially at the end of the growing season.