Hotter climate brings out the bugs | Public Security


As the weather changes, pest control companies are receiving calls regarding ants, termite, rodent, and bed bug infestations.

While this often happens as temperatures continue to warm, there are ways to stop unwanted errors before it’s too late.

“Most of our calls are about swarms of termites and miniature kitchen ants,” said David Bjorgaard, owner of Discount Pest Control in Atchison, Kansas. “They were hibernating, so to speak, and now they are looking for food and want to expand their colonies.”

There are a few home remedies for minor ant problems. One involves using a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water that can be sprayed. Bjorgarrd offered a few others.

“You can try using a mix of borax and powdered sugar. That should work for a while, ”said Bjorgarrd. “Immaculate cleaning can help, and food and drink can be put away immediately after use.”

Termites thrive in moist environments. They are often found in gutters and sheds first, and then spread around homes when they need more space and food.

“When you have a swarming termite, all four wings are the same size and twice the length of the body,” said Shaun Robinson, a technician at Preferred Pest Control. “But if you see a lot of bugs or discarded wings, there really is no cure for it, and then it’s a good idea to make a professional call.”

Discarded wings indicate the start of a new colony and that the beetles have left their nest due to overcrowding or insufficient food.

“Termites often make a tunnel or hose,” said Bjorgaard.

Another pest also appears.

“We’re getting a lot of calls for mosquitos right now,” said Robinson. “Essential oils and some candles work temporarily, but if you get treatment you will be better dejected and ready to reclaim your yard this summer.”