Glasgow rats are ‘modern-day plague’ as GMB captures contemporary footage of rodents


GMB Union members have warned that Glasgow is facing a “modern plague” after shooting new footage of rats hiding in trash cans.

Plumbing workers say they are facing a daily problem as the city is “overrun” with vermin and claim residents are facing a “cleanup crisis”.

However, Glasgow City Council has said the rodents are a fact in all cities, according to Glasgow Live.

They also said the way people dispose of their trash can also be a factor in attracting rats to their areas.

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GMB Union convener Chris Mitchell is now calling on the public to come together and take action to address the ongoing problem.

He said: “The Glasgow plague is here and will not go away anytime soon.

“In November, thousands of delegates, world leaders, politicians and visitors will face the same problem when they come to Cop26 in Glasgow unless the political masters stop denying that there is a purge crisis.

“We have to unite in solidarity and send a signal that the workforce and the public are one. We as employees have had enough and we offer the public a service that is undoubtedly the same – you just have to look at social media. “

Hundreds have signed the GMB’s rat register, which allows people to record all sightings, but the council said the register was “for show only” and had no other purpose than to spread fear, alarm and negativity.

A spokesman said: “Unfortunately, rats are a fact of life in every city in the world, including Glasgow.

“But how dump sites are maintained and whether food sources are accessible can have a huge impact on whether or not rats are attracted to these areas.

“There are also health and safety measures agreed with the unions to support our employees and help them fight pests.

“Despite the impact of Covid on public services, our pest control team has continued to respond to calls for help from city residents throughout the pandemic.

“While we were establishing pest control measures in backyards across town during this period, the GMB’s rat registry lacks useful information for our pest control team.

“It was clear from the start that the GMB’s rat register was a publicity stunt to spread fear, alarm and negativity.

“We’re sorry to say that the GMB wasted all of their time on their rat registry if they could have just told people who were worried about pests to contact the council directly to get knowledgeable Get advice and practical support. “