Gardening professional James Wong reveals DIY indoor water characteristic


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Gardening expert James Wong (aka @BotanyGeek) has revealed a simple DIY water feature he created for indoor use using a simple Ikea table.

The gardening expert revealed a round table with water dripping over mossy rocks and plants to create a stunning indoor display.

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To create this feature, James opted for an affordable coffee table from Ikea and cleverly used the flat, basin-style tabletop as the base for his water fountain.

The raised edges can hold back the water, while the powder-coated steel construction ensures that the water does not leak or penetrate anywhere.

The same table can be bought online at Ikea for £ 35 and is called “YPPERLIG”.

Alongside the post, James stated that “Being connected with nature is critical to our wellbeing and getting a daily dose of vitamin G is easier than you think,” referring to the “G” in green.

But don’t worry if you don’t have an outdoor space of your own because he explains that “His favorite horticultural thing is that you don’t need a garden to do it, like this simple indoor fountain [he] made.”

The expert shared the spot in honor of the National Gardening Week (Monday May 26th to Sunday May 2nd) that is currently taking place.

He also provided a link to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) website, which encourages the nation to be outdoors and provides resources, ideas and information to support and inspire activities.

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