Gardening ideas | Dwelling & Backyard

Gardening principles | Home & Garden

Mosquitoes love their breeding ground. Gnat eggs, larvae, and pupae all need water; only the adult is not in the water. Eliminating all still water sources near your home can reduce the number of young mosquitoes that develop into biting adults.

Repair or remove any containers that contain standing water, such as For example, a gutter that isn’t draining properly or a rain barrel that you no longer use. Also cover containers that constantly hold water, including wells and cisterns.

Remove water that collects in the holes of large tree trunks – a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. An alternative is to coat the water surface with a small amount of vegetable oil to smother any developing larvae.

Cover rain barrels and other water containers with custom lids. Attach a fine mesh strainer to a detachable frame sized to fit securely into the container opening. Rainwater will easily pass through the screen, but mosquitoes cannot reach the surface to breed.

A special strain of Bt, deadly to mosquito larvae, is sold as small briquettes, or dunks, that can be placed in any container of still water. Most stores that sell pond supplies will have them. You can even put small pieces in a bird bath (don’t worry, it won’t harm the birds).

Don’t leave the water in saucers under potted plants for too long after rain or watering—adult mosquitoes can lay eggs there, and mosquito larvae only need a tablespoon or two of water to grow into adults.

Goldfish can be the perfect allies in the fight against mosquitoes. A garden with a pond full of goldfish often has fewer mosquitoes than gardens without water, as the pond acts as a natural mosquito trap. If you’re sitting on your deck or patio after dark, use a fan. Mosquitoes are weak fliers and often cannot make it to your skin when you are surrounded by fast-moving air.

To deter mosquitoes from biting you, try using a mixture of essential oils diluted with baby oil. It’s often short-lived, but not nearly as long-lasting as a repellent that contains chemical DEET.