Gardening 101: Houseplants – CBS DFW

Gardening 101: Houseplants – CBS DFW

Gardening 101: Houseplants

Gardening 101: Houseplants


NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) – During the winter months and the drab brown landscape that blankets North Texas, it’s often good to see a little greenery. Indoor plants are ideal for this. You can brighten a corner near a window, fill an area with something vivid in shades of green in all sorts of shapes. There’s even evidence that houseplants help your brain.

Over the years, many of my friends have noticed how they kill houseplants on a regular basis. I spoke to my friend Jennifer Hatalski over at Calloway. We decided to write a story about which houseplants you can try based on what SHE has tried (successfully) in her own home. Despite her deep knowledge of both plants and the nursery industry, she doesn’t claim to have what you would call a green thumb (I think this is more of a product that can be attributed to her incredible work ethic and focus at Calloway’s).

She recommends three different plants that offer a variety of size, shape, and light requirements. There’s a good chance you have a place in your house for at least one of these. Try it. If they work for you, give them away. Indoor plants are good for your emotional health and the beauty of your living space.



jeff ray


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