Extending the gardening season with cool climate merchandise


Ferry-Morse, a US-based home horticultural seed packaging company, is helping to extend the gardening season with the launch of its fall plant collection. With autumn offers for gardeners in warm and cooler climates, over 40 varieties of flowers, succulents, vegetables and herbs are now available directly from the Ferry Morse nursery to the customer’s doorstep and arrive ready-to-plant. Rebecca Sears, Ferry-Morse’s Chief Gardening Guru, explains the need for more cooling weather products and the increasing demand for pollination-friendly varieties and houseplants.

Extension of the gardening season
According to Sears, it’s the perfect time of year to plant vegetables, herbs, and ornamental plants in cool weather. “The ready-to-plant autumn plant collection makes it easier for gardeners to take advantage of their garden in the cooler months. Extending the gardening season is not only worthwhile in terms of a higher vegetable harvest, it is also the perfect time to plant perennial flowers that will root before the frost and then be prepared to produce showy blooms the next season. “

Help for southern gardeners
The introduction of this new collection will also help the southern gardeners have more access to fall plants. “Southern gardeners have historically struggled to access live plants in the fall, as their planting season continues while much of the land runs out of their (and retail) inventory. The introduction of the autumn plant collection serves to solve this long-standing dilemma with the new autumn varieties that are grown in the professional Ferry Morse nursery and then delivered straight to your home. “

Pollinator friendly
At Ferry-Morse, they notice an increasing popularity of the pollination-friendly varieties. “As people become more aware of the role of pollinators in our food source and the challenges to their survival, more and more gardeners are planting pollination-friendly herbs and flowers. Our butterfly weed and bee balm are a great choice for those looking to provide butterfly habitats and bee pollen. “

Extended range of houseplants
Ferry-Morse is also expanding its indoor plant range with new additions such as the Sempervivum Hippie Chick, Sedum Tricolor Succulents and Spider Plants. Sears explains, “Indoor plants have seen a huge boom in recent years and there is no sign of slowing down. As more and more offices enable remote work, people are looking for ways to create a beautiful, healthy working and living environment. “

For more informations:
Ferry Morse