Esposito seminar explores hydroponic gardening


Special about the Tallahassee Democrats

If growing plants in a controlled environment sounds like your style of gardening, take a look at this week’s Esposito Hydroponic Gardening virtual seminar on Saturday, August 14th.

Mike Hagerud, Hydroponics Manager at Esposito Garden Center, will discuss how to start growing plants without soil with Ms. Grow-It-All, aka Esposito Garden Consultant Audrey Post.

“In hydroponic gardening, water does the job of delivering nutrients that plants in the soil take up from the soil,” said Post. “You still have to fertilize, provide enough light and ensure good air circulation. It’s a fascinating way of growing plants, especially vegetables, and it’s growing in popularity. ”

The seminar is free via Zoom, but registration is required. Go to the Events section of Esposito’s Facebook page to sign up. You can also register at You will receive a confirmation email with the link and your password for the seminar.

The zoom portal opens at 9:30 a.m. and the seminar itself starts at 10 a.m. Please register at least five to 10 minutes earlier. The door to the waiting room is locked after the program starts; Therefore, delays cannot be allowed.

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