Davenport, IA Named One Of 2023’s Prime Cities That Has… Mattress Bugs

Davenport, IA Named One Of 2023’s Top Cities That Has… Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are disgusting and really hard to get rid of without throwing the mattress away. Many people get bed bugs from hotels and places that aren’t usually their homes, but sometimes these pesky little night eaters invade our homes and wreak havoc. Davenport, IA is one of the most bed bug infested cities and it’s as gross as it sounds.

How does a US city get on this list?

The largest of the Quad Cities has a serious bed bug problem. So much so that it ended up on Orkin’s newly published list of the top 50 bed bug cities. How do you determine that? It’s easy. Orkin bases this list on treatment data from the metropolitan areas where you performed the most bed bug treatments from December 1, 2021 to November 30, 2022. The ranking includes both domestic and commercial treatments.

What exactly is a bed bug?

Once you’ve worked your way through it piece by piece, you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

According to Orkin, bed bugs are 3/16 inches long, red to dark brown in color, and are primarily nocturnal insects that come out at night. According to Orkan, bed bugs are hematophagous, which means blood is their only source of food.

Bed bugs cannot fly, but travel from place to place with ease and speed by clinging to items such as luggage, purses, and other personal belongings.

Davenport, IA is one of the worst cities for bed bugs

Connor Kenney

Connor Kenney

Orkin found that out Davenport is one of the worst cities in the country for bed bugs. Or a great place to call bed bugs home, depending on how you look at things.

although Davenport it didn’t top the list for the third year in a row like Chicago, but it still made the list, which is a big problem.

Davenport is the 37th worst city for bed bugs. It has improved since 2022 when it was the 35th worst city for bed bugs. Still eaten? Me too.

How to get rid/prevent bed bugs

Orkin has recommendations for homeowners and travelers to prevent bed bugs:


  • Check your home regularly for signs of bed bugs. Check spots where bed bugs hide during the day, including mattress labels and seams, as well as behind baseboards, headboards, electrical outlets, and picture frames. Check when you move in, after a trip, when a service employee visits you or after guests have stayed overnight.

  • Reduce the clutter in your home, making it easier for you to spot bed bugs yourself or during professional inspections.

  • Examine all used furniture before bringing it into your home.

SLEEP during the trip to check for bed bugs:

  • Check the hotel room for signs of an infestation. Look for tiny, inky stains on mattress seams, in upholstery, and behind headboards.

  • Lift up and look inside bed bug hideouts: the mattress, duvet, and other furniture, as well as behind baseboards, pictures, and even torn wallpaper.

  • Lift the luggage away from the bed and the wall. The safest places are in the bathroom or on the counters.

  • Examine your luggage carefully when repacking and when returning home from a trip. Always keep luggage away from the bed.

  • After you return home, place any dryer-safe items in your luggage in the dryer on the highest setting for at least 30-45 minutes.

The 20 Best Meals in the Quad Cities

Are you one of those people who know they want to eat but aren’t quite sure WHAT they want to eat? You know you don’t want to stay home and cook, and you know you want to go out to a restaurant, but maybe you’re not quite sure what you’re craving. Where can you find good food in the Quad Cities?

NO MORE WORRY! We are here to help!

We asked a question on our Facebook page What is the best food in the Quad Cities and a lot of people shared their question favorite restaurants and dishes in the comments. We’ve compiled a list of the 20 best meals in the Quad Cities so you can get out there and try something new!

These restaurants are a place of good times, great foodand reasonable prices!

Check out all the restaurant’s websites by clicking on the green lettering!

Have fun scrolling!

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