Ann Wright: A potpourri of spring gardening ideas


Asparagus from the asparagus family is considered a perennial vegetable – the edible stems are actually the shoots that develop a fern-like growth in summer.
Photo courtesy of UCANR

Although it was a very dry spring, it’s hard not to enjoy the beauty of the season, warm sunny days, and the abundance of wild flowers. Garden planning is in the works and here are some garden ideas to consider as spring leads to summer.

Recently a friend gave me some ripe crowns from her bed of asparagus, and my garden plan is to start some asparagus. Asparagus from the asparagus family is considered a perennial vegetable – the edible stems are actually the shoots that develop a fern-like growth in summer. Asparagus grows from crowns of roots or from seeds, although it can be harvested a year earlier if it is planted from roots. It takes patience to grow – it is best not to harvest shoots for the first year when starting with annual crowns. Harvest lightly for two weeks in the second year, then allow additional spears to develop into foliage. If you start transplants or seeds, you won’t harvest them for two years. Then follow the instructions for annual crowns.

Asparagus can be planted in well-prepared soil in an area with full sun in spring or fall. Work the soil a foot or deeper with compost or manure, leaving at least 4 to 6 feet between rows to accommodate the wide spreading of the roots. The soil can be mixed with a commercially available fertilizer with NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium, respectively) ratios of 5-10-10 or 5-10-5, using 15 to 20 pounds per 100 feet of planting area. Crowns can be placed in trenches or holes that are at least 6 inches deep and about 18 inches apart. The roots should be spread out when the crowns are put up. Cover the roots with soil, making sure that the crown is not covered.

When the harvest is over and the fern-like growth occurs, a higher nitrogen adjustment can be added. When the ferns turn brown in the fall, the plants can be cut back to allow for a period of hibernation. In the spring, new shoots appear, which start the cycle again. Well-prepared soil and well-groomed asparagus can provide edible spears for up to 15 years.

The daffodils, tulips and anemones were lovely this year – some still have flowers, but they are almost done with the warming weather. The question is what to do with the bulbs that have been planted when the flowers are ready. Remember that by the end of flowering, the onion will generally have used up all of its nutrients. Some bulbs that have been forced to flower in pots may bloom again if planted in the ground. However, do not try to transplant the bulbs until the foliage has died. Ground-planted bulbs should remain in the ground with at least two leaves so that the plant can build up enough nutrients for flowering in the next year. It is also important that the leaves get as much sunlight as possible. Therefore, do not cut, knot, or bury the bulb leaves. If the plant is allowed to mature naturally, sturdy flowers will be obtained for the next year.

Knowing that our rainy season is almost over – and that we are way below what we normally get during the rainy season, we need to prepare for a drought year. Indeed, water is a valuable resource for protection. Much of the water used in households comes from landscaped plants and turf grass. Start planning a water efficient landscape now to manage the water efficiently. This can include introducing drought tolerant or “water safe” plants into the landscape. That doesn’t mean gardens have to look like a dry river bed with a sea of ​​gravel and a few dry plants. Water-efficient gardens can contain many beautiful, flowering plants – as long as they have low water requirements. Likewise, plants can be placed taking water consumption into account – consider irrigation zones for plants with similar water needs. For more information on water efficient gardening, see the Water Wise Gardening workshop video recorded by Master Gardeners on the website at (see left menu under Workshop Recordings).

Using efficient irrigation systems also helps save water. Using appropriate irrigation practices can result in a 30-80% reduction in water use. For flowers and shrubs with shallow roots, drip irrigation is efficient and reduces pest and disease problems caused by damp foliage.

Designing and building an efficient, properly irrigated horticultural space can be a daunting task for those new to gardening. Please join the Nevada County’s master gardeners as we host the first of two free public irrigation systems workshops. These hour-long workshops are designed to help home and property owners understand some of the steps involved in building an efficient irrigation system and discover improved new products. Join Part 1 via Zoom today at 9 a.m. – see the website at for details. Part 1 focuses on the irrigation plan, including determining your soil type and hydrozoning requirements. and concepts of water flow, water pressure and determination of hose length. Part 2 of the workshops on functional irrigation systems will take place on Saturday, April 24th, at 9 a.m. via Zoom. Part 2 of the workshop focuses on specific components needed in the irrigation system, including each stage of setting up an irrigation system and information about products and tools used in building the physical system. Both workshops will be recorded for later viewing.

Ann Wright is a master gardener from Nevada County.