6 Issues That Are Bringing Termites Into Your House, Specialists Say


When it comes to your home, few pests wreak as much havoc as termites. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the pests cause approximately $ 40 billion in damage to 600,000 households around the world each year. It’s not just bad luck that can bring these pests into your life – some items in or around your home could make you a prime target for a termite infestation. Read on to find out how to attract these destructive bugs into your home.

RELATED: 5 Things To Buy That Bring Bed Bugs Into Your Home, Experts Say.


Parquet floor

While these new hardwood floors look lovely in your home, they could be a termite problem waiting for it to happen.

“Often these products introduced into the home are already infested with the dry wood termites,” says entomologist Mike Duncan, a national technical manager at Truly Nolen Pest Control.

Before installing any flooring in your home, be sure to check it first to make sure there are no signs of termites, including live insects or dirt hoses.

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Wooden cabinets

If you are thinking of replacing your kitchen cabinets, it’s a good idea to carefully examine your new cabinets before installing them.

Duncan says drywood termites can also live in products like wooden furniture and cause full blown infestations – and serious structural damage – if they multiply once the cabinets are installed in your home.


antique furniture

It’s not just bed bugs to worry about when bringing home an antique piece of furniture.

“A common way for termites to enter your building is through antique furniture,” says Duncan. Before you bring any antique pieces home, you should carefully examine the wooden pieces for signs of termites, including piles of sawdust or a hollow sound when you knock on a supposedly solid piece of wood.

The story goes on


Pile of firewood

Sitting in front of a crackling fire at home is undeniably cozy – but realizing that your pile of wood has contributed to a serious termite infestation is decidedly less.

“Firewood or lumber, especially those that are already rotted, can be a haven for termites,” says Ryan Smith, Owner of Ant & Garden Organic Pest Control. Even if you store your firewood outdoors, it can still contribute to an infestation. “You can bring termites into your home through the tiny cracks and crevices on the walls,” says Smith.


Mulch pile

That expensive landscaping around your home could do more than hide emerging weeds – it could also be a refuge for termites.

“Mulch plus moisture is a combination that is sure to attract termites,” says Smith. If you want to avoid infestation, “keep mulch off your main walls and keep it and your floor dry at all times,” recommends Smith.


Leaky nozzle

If you keep dripping the hose nozzle outside of your home, it might not be long before you have a termite problem on your hands.

“It’s important to avoid excess moisture in the house – leaky connections, damaged hoses, etc.,” says Daniel Perry, Chief entomologist at Zevo. “Termites need moisture to survive, so they’ll use these areas to stage their invasions.” To keep an infestation at bay, deal with any pipeline problems in a timely manner – especially if they cause leaks outdoors.

RELATED: If You See This Bug Get It Vacuumed Right Away, Experts Say.