1 South Carolina Metropolis Named Amongst The Worst U.S. Cities For Mattress Bugs

1 South Carolina City Named Among The Worst U.S. Cities For Bed Bugs

A South Carolina city has been recognized among 50 other cities across the country, but it’s for something that might give you goosebumps. Orkin released its annual list of US cities with the top reported cases of bed bugs, using data collected from December 1, 2021 through November 30, 2022 from cities with the most bed bug treatments.

One South Carolina city deserves a spot on the list: Greenville. Greenville came in at number 24 and managed to drop three places from last year.

“Bed bugs are extremely resilient, which makes them difficult to control. As people ramp up their travel plans this year, it’s important to know how to protect yourself through pest identification and appropriate control,” said entomologist Orkin Ben Hotel. “Contrary to popular belief, bed bugs are visible to the naked eye but are excellent at hiding. It is recommended that a trained professional be consulted upon seeing a bed bug introduction.”

Bed bugs are typically about 3/16 inch long and red to dark brown in color. They are mostly nocturnal, coming out at night to “take blood meals from sleeping humans,” the website says.

So what should you do to minimize the risk of an infestation? Orkin suggests regularly checking your home for signs of bed bugs, checking mattress seams, baseboards, and even electrical outlets. Experts also recommend decluttering your home to make spotting the bugs even easier, and thoroughly inspecting any used furniture before bringing it into your home.

Here are the top 50 cities for bed bugs according to the report:

  1. Chicago
  2. New York (+1)
  3. Philly (-1)
  4. Cleveland-Akron, OH (+4)
  5. Los Angeles (+7)
  6. Detroit (-2)
  7. Indianapolis (-1)
  8. Baltimore (-3)
  9. Washington, D.C. (-2)
  10. Columbus, Ohio (-1)
  11. Champaign, IL (+2)
  12. Grand Rapids, Michigan (-1)
  13. Cincinnati (-3)
  14. Charlotte (+1)
  15. Denver (+2)
  16. Atlanta (-2)
  17. Dallas-Ft. value (-1)
  18. Pittsburgh (+2)
  19. Charleston, West Virginia (+3)
  20. Raleigh Durham (+4)
  21. Flint, MI (+2)
  22. San Francisco (-3)
  23. Norfolk, VA (+2)
  24. Greenville, SC (-3)
  25. Saint Louis (-7)
  26. Richmond, Va
  27. Youngstown (+10)
  28. South Bend, IN (+5)
  29. Buffalo, New York (-1)
  30. Knoxville (-1)
  31. Cedar Rapids, IA (-1)
  32. Omaha, New Zealand (-5)
  33. Nashville (+1)
  34. Dayton, Ohio (-2)
  35. feet Wayne, IN (+1)
  36. Harrisburg (+6)
  37. Davenport (-2)
  38. Toledo (-7)
  39. Seattle (+5)
  40. Milwaukee (-2)
  41. Tampa (-1)
  42. Lansing, MI (+6)
  43. Greensboro, NC
  44. Houston (-3)
  45. Miami (-6)
  46. Lexington, Kentucky (+1)
  47. Orlando (-1)
  48. Peoria (-3)
  49. Louisville, Kentucky (-3)
  50. Lincoln, Ne

Check out Orkin’s full report to learn more about bed bugs and how to spot them.