What It Means to Dream About Spiders or Bugs Crawling on YouHelloGiggles

What It Means to Dream About Spiders or Bugs Crawling on YouHelloGiggles

You have snuggled up in bed and your eyes fall into a peaceful sleep. Suddenly, bugs are crawling all over your skin, spiders are hanging from the ceiling, and you’re freaking out. Then you actually wake up and realize that luckily it was all a dream.

A horrible, scary dream, but a dream nonetheless.

To dream of spiders, roaches, bugs and other creepy crawlies interacting with you is a very common theme. So common, in fact, that a recent survey by Amerisleep found that small creatures, specifically spiders and bugs, are the third most common recurring dreams in women.

Spiders, roaches, centipedes, and more are particularly scary to dream about because many people have a genuine and crippling fear of them in real life. While being hunted or having your teeth falling out aren’t exactly fun dreams, they are cases that will probably never actually happen to you in your waking life.

However, if you are afraid of insects and are in places where you regularly encounter them, the last thing you obviously want is to dream about them.

To learn more about dreams involving spiders and other insects, we spoke to Lauri Loewenberg, a certified dream analyst and author of Dream on It, Unlock Your Dreams Change Your Life.

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Why do bugs sometimes appear in our dreams?

It’s not just a phrase – errors can appear in our dreams when something is actually bothering us in real life.

To figure out what that conflict might be, Loewenberg says, try to remember the details of the dream, such as: B. how many bugs there were, where and even what kind of crawler.

“Every detail in a dream is connected to details in your real life,” says Loewenberg. “An infestation of bugs would mean that a lot of things are bothering you at the moment, to the point where you get overwhelmed, while just one bug can mean a specific small problem.”

Often times, these buggy issues are things that we can “squish” in real life as well. Do you see bugs in your office? There may be problems at work that you need to solve. Bugs in the bedroom? Think of any annoyances in your sex life or sleeping habits that may need improvement.

Do spiders have a specific meaning in dreams?


Yes, they often do. “The vast majority of my clients who are dealing with or trying to escape from a narcissistic dream of spiders,” admits Loewenberg.

“That’s because of the spider’s nature: they spin a web of lies that catch their prey, and they feed on the prey for an extended period of time.”

Of course, personal associations also play a role. If spiders keep appearing in your dreams, it could mean that you need to take some time to analyze your own actions. Are you spinning something negative or shady at the moment?

What does it mean to dream about bugs crawling on you?

Sure, they’re small and (mostly) harmless, but one of the worst feelings in the world has got to be bugs crawling on your skin. If this is happening in your dream, pay attention to where you are most uncomfortable.

“If they’re all over your body, then you can ‘freak out’ your whole body,” explains Loewenberg. For example, if you’re unhappy with your weight or have dry winter skin all over, this could be at the root of your bug-filled nightmares.

“If the bugs are crawling on your feet, then maybe there’s something that’s bugging you in real life that’s compelling you to stand up for yourself,” she adds.

Bugs crawling on your head or in your hair could indicate that “your mind has been invaded by disturbing thoughts,” says Loewenberg. You should definitely think about that!

Other types of errors that appear in dreams and their meaning:

butterfly on fingerShutterstock

We asked Loewenberg about a few other well-known insects that might show up in your dreams. Some are subtle, some are more serious, but you can use this as a guide for anything that might be bugging you about your dreams.

  • Stinging insects such as wasps and bees often represent snide remarks or criticism that you have received. They can also represent gossip or “the buzz” that has made the rounds.
  • worms can symbolize depression and low self-esteem as they wallow in the mud.
  • butterflies tend to symbolize transformation, rising to a higher form in status or in your self worth.
  • grasshoppers are known for their jumping and leaping behavior, so they often represent jumping to conclusions or jumping on the bandwagon.

Can you stop dreaming about bugs?

It’s hard to control what images pop into your head once you’re asleep (nobody really wants to daydream about their college ex, right?). And in Loewenberg’s professional opinion, “The dream sheds light on a problem that the subconscious wants to correct. Those annoying dreams are actually good for you because they try to help you process them.”

In the case of bugs, spiders, and other insects, try to figure out what they might represent in your waking life, and then do what is necessary to either change that problem or change your emotional response to it.

“Remember, no matter how upsetting a dream may be, it’s there for your benefit,” says Loewenberg. “Dreams are messages from you, to you, about you, to improve you.” Yes, roaches and all.