Way forward for gardening: info, inspiration



Horticulture saw record growth in 2020, according to the National Garden Bureau. Photo courtesy of Brandpoint

(BPT) – Horticulture saw record growth in 2020 and experts expect many more people to dig in the dirt again this year. From victory vegetable gardens to balcony containers, outdoor meeting rooms and mood-enhancing landscapes, gardening offers an opportunity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research conducted late last year found that 86 percent of homeowners planned to continue gardening in 2021. Almost half of the respondents said they would plant more and expand their garden areas. With all this expansion and enthusiasm comes the need for inspiration and advice.
Help for beginners
One source provides both inspiration and advice with the aim of helping people feel more successful in their gardening work. The National Garden Bureau (NGB) was founded in 1920 during World War I when a growing number of suburban residents needed basic gardening training. The nonprofit’s mission is to provide education to motivate people to enjoy plants, from indoor plants to outdoor gardens.
How do you do that? One possibility is with their “Year of” program. Each year the NGB selects an annual, a perennial, an onion, an edible and a shrub as its “year of” culture.
“Our ‘Year of’ program focuses on current, interesting strains,” said Diane Blazek, Executive Director of NGB. “Plants are chosen because they are popular, easy to grow, very adaptable, and versatile.”
One of the most popular picks for 2021 is the year of the sunflower.
“If ever there was a time we needed to add some sunshine to the world, it was now,” said Blazek. “Sunflowers add a bright, happy color to the garden and they are extremely easy to grow. You can just start with seeds, or you can buy new varieties of pots that promise multiple blooms throughout the season. “
2021 is also the year of the bean, Hardy Hibiscus, Hyacinth and Monarda.
The future
“A big trend we saw in our Future of Gardening survey is creating beautiful spaces,” said Blazek. “Planting sunflowers, hibiscus, hyacinths, monarda, and other easy-to-grow flowers can help add color and appeal, but they add natural beauty to outdoor meeting spaces, another global COVID-19 trend.”
Food gardens are hot too, especially with newer gardeners.
“History shows that when there is a national crisis, interest in edible gardeners rises,” said Blazek. “That’s why we’re adding more information on growing vegetables.”
Learn from the experts
The members of the NGB are horticultural experts who are familiar with gardening. The curated information the organization provides comes straight from these sources and provides advice new and seasoned home gardeners can rely on to create great garden spaces.
“The increased interest in gardening is great news,” said Blazek. “Our goal as an industry is to keep people busy with gardening beyond this season. We have an even greater need to provide high quality information for new gardeners and exciting ideas for gardeners looking to take their experience to the next level. NGB is a great resource for everyone. “
New plants for 2021
A popular area of ​​the NGB website at NGB.org is the New Plants section. In addition to searching by name, visitors to the site can also search by plant category, species and height to find the perfect strain for their garden. NGB.com also offers inspiration for plant combinations, new vegetables, and tips to keep plants thriving throughout the season.
For more information or inspiration for your garden, visit NGB.org.

This information has been provided with the kind permission of Brandpoint.

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