Walmart’s On-line Backyard Heart – Spring Gardening


When Walmart said they had it all, they really weren’t kidding. While you are likely familiar with Walmart’s huge in-store garden center, what most people don’t know is that you can find the area online as well. And yes, it does include live plants among other gardening staples. If the thought of filling your car with flowers and ferns feels daunting – not to mention the clutter – this is where you should shop from this little-known area.

Walmart’s online garden center has everything you need to start your spring gardening projects – from soil and pots to garden tools and greenhouses. But in the live plant department, the supermarket is really excellent. The section features everything from rare plants like this braided pachira bonsai tree to more common varieties like the best-selling magnolia tree, aerial ferns, and an assortment of succulents. If an edible garden is more of your style, Wal-Mart has you there too. In addition to other fruits, vegetables, and herbs, buy tomato plants, sweet basil, and green peppers.

For those with a Walmart + membership, shipping is free for most plants (you can also try the service for free for 15 days!). According to reviews of several works, there is no need to worry about delivery. “Arrived in very good condition and I’m doing fine in my garden,” said one reviewer of a pepper plant. “Came in a box, perfectly packed and secured!” Says another of this cute olive tree. Another reviewer had rave reviews of a recently ordered rosemary plant: “Walmart outdid itself! The best job I’ve ever done packing and shipping my two rosemary plants. Each had its own plastic container to protect the plants. I’m only one Regular guest, elderly gardener, no spokeswoman. “Are you already convinced?

No matter what type of gardener you are, this well-kept secret department has something for you. Browse some of our favorites below.


Bonnie Plants

$ 10.56

Aloe Vera plant

Aloe Vera plant

Costa farms

$ 14.21

Macho Fern

Macho Fern

United Nursery

$ 24.98

Venus Flytrap Plant Terrarium

Venus Flytrap Plant Terrarium


$ 8.99

Braided snake plant of the dragon's fingers

Braided snake plant of the dragon’s fingers

Hirts Gardens

$ 5.99

Red beef steak tomato

Red beef steak tomato

Bonnie Plants

$ 9.36



Lighter flowers

$ 49.99

Fish hook succulent

Fish hook succulent

Hirts Gardens

$ 6.99

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Associate Editor of Content Strategy
Nathalie is Associate Editor for Content Strategy at House Beautiful, where she covers everything from home decor to the latest news.

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