Upcoming gardening courses are set

Upcoming gardening classes are set

Brian Jervis Ask a master gardener

Every year we are asked when we want to offer our gardening courses. So here’s what we’ve planned so far.

First up is our Seed to Supper/Urban Gardener course. Typically we teach these courses one evening per week for several weeks. But we have split off the three courses covering growing vegetables in the home garden so that we can offer them in a one day course. We have one of these scheduled for Saturday, February 11th from 9:00am to 3:00pm.

This course is designed for both beginners and experienced vegetable gardeners who want to be more successful. We cover everything you need to know about growing vegetables. We’ll start by explaining soil nutrients, and then we’ll talk about the different ways to grow vegetables, from soil gardens and raised beds to hydroponic and aquaponic growing strategies. From there we move on to seed selection appropriate for our growing area and how to grow these seeds indoors.

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We also cover how to plan your garden to maximize space without overcrowding your plants. Then we talk about integrated pest management, because one thing is for sure – if you grow vegetables, someone will want to eat them before you do. Integrated pest management is a strategy to minimize pest problems before they become a problem. Through these practices, we minimize the need for pesticides, which is always a good thing.

In the Seed to Supper/Urban Gardener courses, participants receive a 3-ring binder full of handouts and reference materials to take home, and we provide a pizza lunch. This course has a $30 fee and usually sells out. So if you’re interested, visit our website (tulsamastergardeners.org) to sign up before spots are gone.

Our popular Lunch and Learn courses will be offered again this year. These classes are taught at Tulsa Central Library during lunch hours. This year we plan to do the same with a second series of presentations at the Hardesty Library in south Tulsa.

The presentations begin March 21 at Tulsa Central Library and March 23 at Hardesty Library and last for six weeks on Tuesdays. Topics include pollinator gardens, container gardening, tomato growing, herb gardening, seed conservation programs and houseplants. This is a tentative schedule so mark your calendars to check back later when we get closer for details. The lunch and study classes are free and always a good time. Much luck.

You can get answers to all of your gardening questions by calling the Tulsa Master Gardeners Help Line at 918-746-3701, stopping by our Diagnostic Center at 4116 E. 15th St., or emailing us at mg@tulsamastergardeners.org .