UK invaded by wave of nasty blood-sucking mattress bugs since journey has returned

UK invaded by wave of nasty blood-sucking mattress bugs since journey has returned

THE country has seen an explosion of blood-sucking bed bugs.

When international travel returns, the creatures rampage.


With international travel reopening, bed bugs are believed to be coming to the UK in the luggage of holidaymakersPhoto credit: Getty

Calls about the insects rose 23 percent over the summer, the highest since Covid.

It is believed that they arrive in the UK in the luggage of holidaymakers.

Bed bugs, which are about the size of an apple seed, feed on blood every five to 10 days.

Signs of an infestation include dark spots on the mattress and headboard, a sweet smell, and the skins of the bugs.

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Paul Blackhurst from Rentokil said: ‘Many of us will never have seen a bed bug, but they are relatively common overseas.

“Now that international travel has resumed we have seen an increase in potential infections.

“People should avoid unpacking on beds.”