The place Are Rodents Showing in Meals Services?

The place Are Rodents Showing in Meals Services?

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While we hope none of those surveyed saw anything like the infestation exhibited by the more than 2,300 rodents collected at Family Dollar’s distribution center over a six-month period, the majority have had a rodent sighting.

66% of respondents indicated that at least one rodent had been seen in or near their facility, with 23% having sighted both mice and rats.

Interestingly, half of those surveyed said 2021 saw about the same number as 2020, while the other half was fairly evenly distributed, with 21% seeing more rodents and 28% seeing fewer rodents.

On the positive side of sightings, the vast majority said the rodents were seen outside of the facility, with 75% seeing mice and 64% seeing rats. This included about half of those surveyed who saw mice and/or rats near outdoor litter areas.

Ed Freytag, City of New Orleans |

However, because respondents were able to select more than one answer, this does not mean that indoor rodent sightings did not occur at the same facilities. Rather, more than a third saw mice (40%) or rats (36%) in storage or storage areas.

Rats were rarely seen indoors, with fewer than 10% of respondents having indoor sightings.

Mice were slightly more common, with 19% of respondents seen in dock interiors and 13% in processing areas.

The presence of rodents is a food safety concern that can lead to massive recalls and regulatory action. In fact, pests have been a leading cause of FDA inspection citations for years. Facilities are cited not only for the actual presence of a rodent, but also for the lack of prevention.

Two of the main citations are lack of surveillance when the presence of rodents is not monitored by proper methods and lack of documentation, lack of records documenting compliance with rodent and other pest control measures.

Source: Readex Research; Answers: 113

Source: Readex Research; Answers: 75

Source: Readex Research; Respondents: 68 (mice), 33 (rats)

Navigate the State of the Rodent Control Market

The problem with rodents in food facilities

Where are rodents found in food facilities?

How to monitor, prevent and control rodents

Ways to further improve rodent control