The Outer Banks Voice – Dare County Extension Grasp Gardeners Gardening Sequence Introduced in Conjunction with the Dare County Library

The Outer Banks Voice – Dare County Extension Grasp Gardeners Gardening Sequence Introduced in Conjunction with the Dare County Library

Dare County Extension Master Gardeners Gardening Series Presented in conjunction with the Dare County Library

From story submitted on January 12, 2023

Are you interested in gardening? How to drive away your winter blues! Start planning your spring garden now with the Winter Library Garden Series presented by the Dare County Master Gardeners of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension in partnership with the Dare County Library.

This year all programs will take place on Wednesdays at 11am and will be offered both in person at Kill Devil Hills Library and virtually. Each presentation lasts approximately one hour, and attendees can choose to attend any or all of the programs that interest them. For 2023, we hope you’ll join us for many brand new never-before-seen programs, as well as some of our most popular themes from years past.

Please note: Pre-registration is required whether you wish to attend in person or virtually.

“Plants That Survive and Thrive on the Outer Banks” – Wednesday 18 January 2023 at 11am

The 2023 Conservatory Series begins with “Plants That Survive and Thrive on the Outer Banks,” which explores a familiar theme; This year, however, the program will feature a completely new selection of plants. Dare County’s master gardeners have selected plants that thrive in the harsh conditions of the Outer Banks, including Impatiens, Black-eyed Susans, Shasta Daisys, Little Bluestems, Cast Iron Plants, Roses of Sharon, and Hollywood Junipers. Join us on Wednesday 18 January 2023 at 11am for Plants that Survive & Thrive on the Outer Banks.

“Propagation – Start with a Seed” – Wednesday 8 February 2023 at 11am

The basics and more for successfully starting seeds in your home and then thriving are covered in a brand new program: “Propagation – Start with a Seed”. Visit us in person or virtually on Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 11 a.m.

“Non-native invasive plants – know before you grow!” – Wednesday 22 February 2023 at 11am

We’re excited to introduce another brand new, never-before-seen program, Non-native Invasive Plants – Know Before You Grow! There are many non-native plants that thrive here on the Outer Banks, but there are some that do have become very invasive and are threatening our native plants. This program will be offered on Wednesday 22 February 2023 at 11am.

“OBX’Scaping” – Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 11am

The brand new “OBX’scaping” program includes a combination of methods that help reduce water consumption and enhance your landscape. As gardeners on the Outer Banks, we are challenged by salty winds, sandy soil, heat and humidity, not to mention fierce coastal storms. “OBX’scaping” will be presented on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 11 am.

“Drought Tolerant Plants” – Wednesday, March 16, 2023 at 11 am

The Drought Tolerant Plants program will present information on low maintenance plants that require little water and will also discuss how they make a great addition to any landscape – especially here on the Outer Banks! This program provides information on a number of plants that are considered drought tolerant and will contribute to any landscape. Join us on Wednesday, March 12, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. for the topic of “Drought Tolerant Plants”.

“Fire Design for Your Home” – Wednesday 12 April 2023 at 11am

The 2023 conservatory series ends with another brand new programme, “Fire Design for Your Home”. Fire is a natural part of southeastern landscapes and will always be present. It’s not a question of if wildfire will happen, but when. Can a homeowner or community be prepared? Learn more about what homeowners can do to reduce the risk of fire. Firescaping for Your Home will be presented on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 11am.

All of these presentations are provided courtesy of the Dare County Master Gardeners Speakers Bureau of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension. Individuals planning to attend must pre-register to attend these virtual programs at

For virtual participants, the program link will be emailed to the registered persons the day before the program is scheduled to take place. Please do not share the link with others.

For more information on the 2023 Winter Garden Series, please call Kill Devil Hills Library at 252-441-4331, Hatteras Library at 252-986-2385 or Manteo Library at 252-473-2372. You can also stop by your local Dare County Library branch to pick up a program brochure.

To view the presentation schedule and learn more about Dare County’s Master Gardeners program, visit


Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
For architectural and engineering design services
City of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Police Department Building
site planning, plant design,
Tendering and management of contracts
The City of Kitty Hawk is seeking qualified consulting firms to provide architectural and engineering services for the design and contract management of the renovation and new construction to house the city’s new police station.
Attached is a “Qualification Application” detailing the proposed project to be undertaken by the City of Kitty Hawk. However, this list should not be considered complete.
All responses must be submitted in writing by no later than to be considered February 8, 2023 at 3 p.m. EST. Companies that send replies by post should allow for a delivery time to ensure their suggestions are received on time. Responsibility for receipt of the response to the City of Kitty Hawk on or before the time and date stated rests solely and exclusively with the responding company. In no event shall the City be held responsible for delays caused by any event. Responses can be hand carried or mailed to the following address:
City of Kitty Hawk
Attn: Melody Clopton
101 Veterans Memorial DR
PO Box 549
Kitty Hawk, NC 27949
For complete information on this application, please visit the city’s website:, phone 252-261-3552, email Melody Clopton at or click here.


Call for Proposals

Fire brigade access road construction

The City Council of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina is seeking qualified contractors to install an emergency access road in the City of Kitty Hawk.

Attached is a “Request for Proposals” detailing the project that the City of Kitty Hawk expects to undertake during the contract period.

All responses must be submitted in writing no later than February 2, 2023 at 10:00 am EST to be considered. Companies that send replies by post should allow for a delivery time to ensure their suggestions are received on time. Responsibility for receipt of the response to the City of Kitty Hawk Buyer on or before the time and date stated is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the responding company. In no event shall the City be held responsible for delays caused by any event. Responses can be hand carried or mailed to the following address:

City of Kitty Hawk

Attn: William S. Midgett

PO Box 549

965 West Kitty Hawk Road

Kitty Hawk, NC 27949

For complete information on this request, please visit: or click here.