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Tag: insects

How To Establish Some Frequent Flying-Stinging Bugs

By Charlotte Wilson, Hopkins County Master Gardener While gardening or playing in the yard, it is easy to get alerted if you see wasps, or...

Why Fowl Nests Appeal to Flying Bugs and Parasites

Parents visit chicks. Photo credit: Santiago Merino / Madrid National Museum of Natural History Researchers in Spain are studying how disease vectors such as...

How biohacked bugs would truly work

Eine Biohacked-Heuschrecke, die Bombenchemikalien ausspähen kann, ist die neueste in einer langen Reihe von Insekten-Maschinen-Hybriden, die aus den Werkstätten kreativer...

Grounded devs say future updates will add flying bugs & “issues...

The Grounded developers have many plans for the game's future content, including flying insects like bees, an expanded yard, and more systems with "more...