Spring Gardening Blooms In Pandemic | WFAE 90.7


Tuesday March 30th 2021

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It’s spring. The daffodils bloom, the leaves return to the trees, and the pollen rains. Gardening was a favorite hobby before the pandemic, but since we were all stuck at home, things really took off.

Whether you are an amateur hobbyist or a master gardener, this is the perfect time to scratch your garden itch. But you can also have questions or be surprised by challenges.

Is It Too Early To Plant? How do I know what will grow where? What can I grow to encourage pollinators?

Prepare your questions because we have invited several gardening experts to join us.


Dr. Jeana Myers, horticultural agent for Wake County Cooperative Extension

Don Boekelheide, local gardening educator, co-author of “Collard Greens and Common Ground: A Handbook to Gardening in the North Carolina Community”

David Blackley, owner of Renfrow Hardware and General Merchandise in Matthews