SOUTHERN GARDENING: MSU previews poinsettias at Poplarville open home | Life

SOUTHERN GARDENING: MSU previews poinsettias at Poplarville open house | Lifestyles

Although it’s only mid-November, the poinsettias will be arriving at garden centers very soon – some may have already arrived – for the holiday and Christmas season.

In many people’s minds, the traditional color of the poinsettia is red. And let’s face it: a red poinsettia is beautiful. My favorite is still the traditional red.

But red is not the only color available.

Today we can buy white, pink, maroon, speckled and marbled poinsettias as well as some unexpected and unusual colors that are not artificial.

To clarify a bit of plant physiology, the colors we enjoy are not the flowers, but rather the modified leaf structures called bracts. The flowers themselves are the small, pea-shaped buds clustered in the center. These are called cyathia.

In recent years, the Coastal Horticulture Research Group at Mississippi State University’s South Mississippi Branch Experiment Station in Poplarville has been conducting trials of growing poinsettias in the Deep South. They have also conducted consumer preference experiments.

This data is valuable to Mississippi greenhouse growers as they plan their growing strategies.

In 2021 we invited the gardening public to our first Poinsettia Open House to see the trials and experience the breadth and breadth of Poinsettia colors in person. Last year we grew 38 different varieties in containers ranging from 4″ to 12″ in diameter, which are the sizes commonly used for poinsettias.

Visitors were asked to fill out a survey with questions ranging from their favorite color to their willingness to pay for the plant. Guess what? Red came out at the top.

This year we are once again hosting a Poinsettia Open House in Poplarville on December 1st from 2pm to 6pm at the Poplarville train station. I was in the trial greenhouse last week and I can tell you the poinsettias are going to be stunning. The trials this year include 54 different varieties.

It will be a long drive for some of you to get to southern Mississippi, but if you can come, you will encounter both classic and unique poinsettias. There will be light refreshments, as if standing among hundreds of colorful poinsettias wasn’t enough, and visitors can take our poll to let us know what you think.

We even have holiday backgrounds for photos available.

Every year I receive many questions about the correct care of poinsettias. Here are my top care tips after you’ve brought your poinsettia home from the garden center.

Poinsettias need at least six hours of indirect sunlight and comfortable room temperatures every day. If you feel good, the poinsettias will be happy. Protect them from temperature fluctuations caused by cold or warm drafts, as these will cause the leaves and bracts to fall off.

Poinsettias are sensitive to wet feet, so avoid overwatering and avoid leaving the plant in a water-filled saucer. To water properly, remove the decorative sleeve and place the plant in the sink with warm water and drain the pot completely. Use a protective saucer to protect furniture.

It’s unlikely you’ll find many of the poinsettias featured at our open house in local shops, but fear not. Many beautiful plants will be available elsewhere for the Christmas season. If you see a variety you like, ask your local independent garden center if they may have it available next year.

For more information on the Poinsettia Open House, contact Scott Langlois at