Snack store with a fly drawback, bugs invade fruit retailer

Snack shop with a fly problem, insects invade fruit store

SAINT ANTONY – Recent health inspections found flies in a diner, moldy lettuce and cheese in a grocery store, and a variety of insects in a fruit store.

the crazy monkey

El Chango Loco, located on the 2800 block of Pleasanton, received an 82 on its most recent inspection.

Sliced ​​fruit was stored in refrigerators that were too warm, and there were containers of corn and cucumbers without date markings.

Several flies were present so the inspector reminded the store to keep the back door closed and have the air conditioner serviced to keep the kitchen cool.

An employee donned gloves without washing his hands, and boxes of chips, drinks and utensils had to be moved off the floor and placed higher.

A re-examination was ordered.

Texas meat and grocery store

Texas Meat and Grocery Store on the 3600 block of Culebra had moldy lettuce and cheese in a cooler. The food was thrown away.

The pocket cooler that stored sausages, eggs and hot dogs was not at the right temperature.

There were still food spatters on the clean dishes on the drying rack. A hand wash basin did not work. Staff kept open drinks in a deli cooler and a dark residue on the walls near the kitchen sink needed cleaning.

They received a score of 83.

La Mission greengrocer

Fruteria La Mission on the 500 block of White Avenue received an 84 on its inspection.

Sliced ​​fruit in cups was too warm, while other fruit for sale, including watermelons and pineapples, had to be removed from the blocks of ice on which they were stored. Instead, they had to be in containers or have a protective cover.

The ice machine had black mold like residue and there were several crickets, cockroaches, fruit flies and house flies throughout the store.

Holes in the ceiling needed fixing and a thorough cleaning of the kitchen was also required.

A re-examination was ordered.

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