Slog AM: Seattle’s Whiteness Doubtless Explains Its Low COVID Demise Fee, Some Stimulus Checks Coming This Weekend, Mattress Bugs Infest Elite Navy Submarine – Slog


The plague of single-family homes in Tacoma … ChrisBoswell /
Marysville Police Department at the Washington State Supreme Court: Under no circumstance. KIRO 7 reports that “despite the decision of the Supreme Court, [the department’s] The officers are back in full force looking for someone who uses hard drugs “after the city passed an ordinance to make simple possession illegal again. The cops up there (Marysville is north of Everett) are apparently pissed off. because drug users in the area seem to keep. If you know the news, you know about the ruling, have you read or heard that the state’s drug possession law has been put down by the Supreme Court, and “they disregard the fact that they can do it, and (say), ‘You I can’t arrest myself. “This is how law and order work, according to Marysville City Councilor, Mark James. Drug addicts must fear the power of the police. If that fear is gone, what should police officers do then? in our world?


All of this brings me back to a passage in Marx’s theories of surplus value:

A philosopher produces ideas, poems from poets, sermons from clergy, compendia from professors, and so on. A criminal creates crime. If we take a closer look at the connection between this latter branch of production and society as a whole, we will free ourselves from many prejudices. The criminal produces not only crimes but also criminal law … The criminal produces all police and criminal justice, police officers, judges, executioners, juries, etc .; and all these different lines of business, which make up the same number of categories of social division of labor, develop different faculties of the human mind, create new needs and new ways of satisfying them.

Tacoma to the family zone: Drop dead. The city plans to ditch this type of zoning because none of it will be of permanent use. Worst of all, however, cities cannot achieve the density required to effectively combat global warming. Single-family houses are the gas guzzlers of living. The new Tacoma plan will “divide the city into new categories promoting what is known as a” mid-range housing option. ” This is City of Destiny-level shit.

Tacoma just released its new proposal to end housing bans and it’s pretty hot!

It would trigger the whole city and high zone on all lots near transit and main roads to higher density apartment buildings.
– Dan Bertolet (@danbertolet) March 11, 2021

Today in the COVID economy: A bicycle boom has made this “human machine”, as the electro band Kraftwerk called it, difficult to find on the market. Gregg’s Cycle’s general manager at Green Lake, Marty Pluth, told the Seattle Times, “Every bike that arrives is sold immediately, so we never get to a point where we fill the tank.” In the early months of the pandemic, bicycle manufacturers “canceled bike orders and forecast an economic slowdown for the industry”. Obviously, that prediction missed its mark.

Even today in the COVID economy: The Dahlia Lounge is truly dead after 32 years. Seattle Times food critic Bethany Jean Clement has the story. But sometimes life comes from death. The vacated space “will be transformed into Douglas’ Serious Pie.”

Why Seattle had the lowest coronavirus death rates among the top 20 metro areas in the US? My money is not for “consistent and timely strategies”. It’s on the white of the city. The fewer POCs, the fewer the deaths. And the reason for this isn’t hard to understand: COVID-19 has hit black and brown communities hard because black and brown people tend to be poorer than whites. It’s all about the Benjamin.

– jseattle (@jseattle) March 11, 2021

An “elite Bremerton submarine” is infested with bed bugs. The name of the underwater killing machine: USS Connecticut. The number of its crew: 100. Its current location: Naval Base Kitsap-Bremerton. Its difficulty: These small, biting beetles in “perforated bulkheads between bunks”. Officials claim the infestation was recently discovered when the insects heard in their tiny voices something that sounded like, “We all live in a yellow …” However, crew members disagree. They say the bugs have been singing this submarine song for a lot longer than they did recently.

Sir Tim Clark, President of Emirates, to Boeing: They “don’t understand”. He blames the company’s board of directors for uninterrupted problems. “The blame for the culture, strategy, direction and priority of this company rests with the Boeing board of directors and nobody else,” Clark told The Air Current. “And that’s where the money should stop. And that’s where they have to fix themselves.” What are Boeing’s problems specifically? Clark “criticized the Boeing 737 Max, 787 Dreamliner and 777X, all of which were marred by safety concerns, quality control issues and production delays.”

But Boeing believes things are going well.

Boeing secures another new 737 MAX order
– Dominic Gates (@dominicgates) March 12, 2021

When is your $ 1,400 stimulus check? The White House hopes to bring it to you “this weekend”.

A new allegation puts the hands of Governor Andrew Cuomo in this region that Donald Trump bragged about on a hot microphone. You know what i’m talking about The new accuser, an aide, claims that Cuomo fondled her. When notified of the incident, Albany Police Department stated that it could rise “to the level of a crime”.

Let’s finish Slog AM with some fun. Yes, that’s the icon that Marilyn Monroe drinks with the poet Carl Sandburg. Not all poets had a hard time.

Marilyn Monroe and Carl Sandburg by Arnold Newman
– Chlodny ➡ UTRUMP2020 @ (@Chlodnyodcien) March 11, 2021

Eating human garbage is not easy, g.

Aaaah, how nice of you to provide a mattress as well.
– Radhika Govindrajan (@ r_gov11) March 11, 2021

I’ll never get enough of the great Tony Baker. “Take your human hands from me.”