Shield your furnishings from predacious termites with HiCare’s Termite Management

Protect your furniture from predacious termites with HiCare’s Termite Control

Being a homeowner comes with a whole host of responsibilities. The most important thing would be to protect your home from unwanted termites. To live up to this responsibility, HiCare offers an effective annual termite treatment. Termites are not limited to any particular time of year and can breed up to 30,000 in a day, making your home their nesting site.

Termites eat cellulose, paper and even banknotes, causing irreparable damage to furniture. Additionally, termites are difficult to spot, and by the time you do see them, they may already have done significant damage, making it extremely important to perform anti-termite control intermittently. HiCare’s termite control service has proven to be the best in the pest control industry. It protects infested woodwork with a treatment that not only destroys existing termites, but also protects the furniture from future termite infestations.

HiCare professionals drill holes over baseboards, fill them with TERMIN-8, and then seal them with chalk and white cement, creating a chemical barrier to eradicate termites as they move. This technique does not compromise the aesthetics of your home as each treated hole is neatly sealed with white cement. HiCare also specializes in chemical floor treatment that is in direct contact with the foundation and floor structure of the building. The chemicals are used in both the top and side layers of the foundation channel to eradicate termites attempting to enter the building. The best way to defend yourself and your property is to keep termites from damaging it.

HiCare’s termite control service allows homeowners to live comfortably while protecting their property. The HiCare service is backed by a guarantee in which they offer free termite treatment of the infested areas during the guarantee period. HiCare specialists will also come to your home personally in the fourth month to check the treatment.

HiCare uses modern techniques that have been developed after five years of study and treatment and are absolutely safe for everyone. HiCare is the best you can find in the country because it has a long history as a trusted brand. It has a nationwide network and strives to provide the best customer service. One can simply sign up at or call 8828333888 to book the service and enjoy a full year or term free home or office.

HiCare, the maker of AutoMos – India’s first automatic mosquito dispenser, is a leading brand in digital and responsible home hygiene and pest control. European daylight saving time. Since 1993, HiCare has successfully provided 10 lakh+ homes with services such as roaches, bed bugs, mosquitoes, wood borers, termites, bird nest protection and cleaning and disinfecting. We are proud that no one knows pests as well as we do. Some of our notable customers are GMR airports, many governments and corporate offices, including Amazon, ICICI Bank, Dabur, etc.

Image source: Synergy Public Relations