Chemical attraction – new pheromone-based mattress bug lure to assist higher detect infestations


London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Vecotech Ltd., a spin-out from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), has launched a new bed bug detection device.

BugScents ™ mimics the natural pheromone that signals bed bugs to cluster in the crowd. Placed in monitors or traps, the bait attracts bed bugs and improves early-stage infestation detection and monitoring. This provides a sustainable, effective, and inexpensive solution for both pest control and retail customers.

The new technology is based on more than a decade of scientific research by the world’s leading experts in medical entomology and chemical ecology at LSHTM, resulting from a joint research project with Rothamsted Research.

Bed bug infestation is a major public health problem that has a myriad of negative physical, mental and economic consequences. Widespread resistance to insecticides, among other things, has led to a recent recurrence of bed bug infestations.

Professor Elena Lurie-Luke, CEO of Vecotech, said, “BugScents ™ uses a composition based on the natural bed bug aggregation pheromone – it is a unique research-driven product. The long-lasting formulation allows for up to 3 months of continuous use and its versatile design makes it compatible with a wide variety of monitoring devices available to both pest controllers and retail customers.

“In a COVID-19 world, more than ever, companies need to do more than adapt and optimize. This innovation is multi-dimensional and includes technological innovation and operational model innovation. The Vecotech team accepted the challenge and, in collaboration with British partners, launched a new product. “

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