Sarah Raven to run gardening occasions from East Sussex house


Sarah Raven has announced a number of events, including gardening classes and open house days, to be held at her home in Perch Hill, East Sussex.

Sarah said, “Whether you have mastered growing flowers to cut or just want to explore the garden on Perch Hill, I hope there is something for everyone.”

The open days at Perch Hill are now returning after being closed due to restrictions related to the pandemic. Day trips to the gardens can be booked from July to September with either tea and cake or lunch and tea.

Jonathan Buckley

There are also a variety of courses available, including a new course designed to coincide with the publication of Sarah’s latest book.

A Year Full of Flowers: All Seasons Gardening with Sarah Raven is for general gardeners and extends year-round from January to December.

A year full of flowers: gardening for all seasons


£ 16.99

The Cutting Garden, 25 years later with Sarah Raven, has everything you need to know about flowers to cut and display. This involves propagating, growing, staking out, and supporting flowers in a variety of ways.

For those growing up to eat, the Year of Greens course covers everything from herbs and edible flowers to vegetables and salads.

These courses are taught by Sarah herself along with Arthur Parkinson and Caroline Nevile. They can be visited in Perch Hill, East Sussex, as well as Oxfordshire, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, Worcestershire and Suffolk.

For more information and to book days or courses, see the Sarah Raven website.

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