Rodents of Unusal Dimension is a documentary about large, 20-pound swamp rats


Rodents of Unusual Size is a 2017 documentary directed by Quinn Costello, Chris Metzler and Jeff Springer. This film examines the giant 20 pound swamp rats known as nutria that have infested Louisiana. This invasive species of rodent breeds faster than hunters can control. I’m amazed at the size of these orange-toothed monster rats. Although I would be quite scared of getting anywhere near one, I find them cute from afar and I don’t like when they are hunted. This is fascinating documentation nonetheless, and you can watch this documentation on iTunes or Netflix and watch the trailer from the link above.


“The die-hard Louisiana fisherman Thomas Gonzales has no idea what will hit him next. After decades of hurricanes and oil spills, he faces a new threat – hordes of monstrous 20-pound swamp rats. These invasive South American rodents known as “nutria” breed faster than the roaming hunters can control. And with their orange teeth and voracious appetites, they devour the coastal wetlands that protect Thomas and his town of Delacroix Island from hurricanes. But the people who have lived here for generations are not the kind of people who give up without a fight. Thomas and a pack of lively bounty hunters are determined to save Louisiana before it dissolves beneath their feet. It’s human versus rodent. May the best mammal win. “