Republicans are termites, ostriches | LETTER


Perhaps the Republican Party should change its symbol from an elephant to an ostrich or a termite.

Some Republicans bury their heads, contesting the legality of the 2020 election and Joe Biden’s presidency. They refuse to believe in the severity of COVID-19, even though more than 500,000 Americans have died from the disease. Every year the United States has more frequent and violent weather events, but it believes climate change is a liberal lie.

Perhaps more dangerous are those that are like termites. They support laws that would prevent eligible citizens from voting because they could vote against Republicans. They consider the violent uprising on January 6th in the US Capitol to be acceptable and representative of peacefully protesting citizens. They also support, softly or not so softly, domestic terrorism, white supremacy, anti-Semitism and systemic racism. While termites are slowly destroying the foundation of a building, these termites are destroying the foundations of our democracy.

If Republicans really love this country and the Constitution, as they claim, they would work to solve critical national and state problems rather than exacerbating them.