Pest management firm makes use of canine to detect mattress bugs


Whenever you think of a canine unit, you always think. German shepherd dog. However, a six-pound guard dog is also a working dog.

The pest control company has its own dog flaw detection department

Nova and her handler Jenny Hogge on the hunt, no drugs or explosives – bed bugs.

Nova and her handler Jenny Hogge on the hunt, no drugs or explosives – bed bugs.

“People think we were expecting a huge German Shepherd, and because of their looks, everyone immediately falls in love with them,” said Hogge.

And yes, she has an official employee photo for Rose Pest Solutions. She is one of 12 mostly rescued and well trained K9 who go to work.

“We’re possibly the largest K9 division in the country, or at least right up there,” said Mark “Shep” Sheperdigian of Rose Pest Solutions

You are looking for apartments, retirement homes and offices. Their fleet, made up of all small breeds, is trained to recognize the smell of a single bed bug.

“If she finds it, she’s sitting, that’s her statement that she found flaws,” said Hogge.

Twice she only met four bed bugs in a hideous form.

“She alerted me on a single bed bug egg under a chair under the liner of a chair,” Hogge said.

Nova and Jenny started there two years ago after Nova was rescued.

“Nova came from a shelter, she was originally adopted by an elderly gentleman who quickly realized that she would be too much for her, so he brought her back to the shelter:” Hogge said.

The spunky Yorkie-Dachshund mix is ​​nibble-driven. She dodges distracting smells of food – and whatever – to find bed bugs.

“She lives to eat, she loves her job. If I want to reward her I have to be careful because she will get your fingers right with the food,” Hogge said with a laugh.

Live together, work together and prevent many infestations on customers.

“She’s tiny but powerful,” said Hogge.